No. Facebook does not allow you to search for a deactivated account.

No, deactivated accounts do not show up on the friends list.

If someone has deactivated their Facebook account, they are still able to log into the account and access their profile. If someone has deleted their Facebook account, they can no longer log into the account and access their profile.

If your friend deactivated Facebook, they are still able to log into the site with their username and password. They are also able to access their profile page by clicking on the “Account” button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. This will allow them to view any posts or messages they have received from friends.

When someone deactivates their Facebook account, they can’t log into their account for a period of time. They can’t see the content on their timeline, post to their profile or comment on someone else’s posts. If a user has a Messenger account, it will stay active and messages will still be delivered to them.When someone deactivates their Facebook account, they can’t log into their account for a period of time.

It means that the person’s account has been deactivated. This could be because they deleted their account, or because Facebook removed the account for some reason.

A deactivated Facebook account is a Facebook account that has been disabled, which means the account cannot be used. A deactivated account will not show up on Facebook’s homepage or in search results. The person who owns the deactivated account can still log in to their profile and see what it looks like, but they cannot post anything new to the site.

Yes, and the number of friends you have will be reflected in your 2020 profile.The answer to this question is yes, and the number of friends you have will be reflected in your 2020 profile.

No. If you deactivate Facebook, all of your messages will no longer be sent or received.

I have a Facebook account that I use to keep in contact with my family and friends, but I don’t use it as much as I used to. When I deactivated my account last year for a month, not one of my friends contacted me about it. A few months later, when I reactivated my account, they were happy to see me again and we were able to catch up on what we had been doing.

When you deactivate Facebook, your account is still available to friends. They can see your timeline and all posts that you have made. However, they will not be able to see any new posts that you make after deactivating your account.