To refund VIP on MovieStarPlanet, you need to go to the transaction history and find the purchase. Click “Refund” and confirm.

Pumpchkin deleted her account after a series of controversies involving the company she was working for, which she had been vocal about on social media.

MovieStarPlanet 2 has a variety of games that are accessible through the studio.

MovieStarPlanet is a game that has been around for many years and it’s unlikely that it will be removed.

You can refund VIP on MovieStarPlanet by going to the “Shop” tab and clicking the “Refund” button.

No. Pumpchkin’s account is still active on Quora.

MovieStarPlanet 2 is a social networking site for kids. It has some games, but not many.

MovieStarPlanet is an online game that was created in 2007. It has been around for over 10 years and has millions of users. MovieStarPlanet is not going to be removed anytime soon because it is a very popular game.

You can play MovieStarPlanet at any age. However, the game is designed for children ages 7-14.

Mybeau is a character that appears on MSP, or My Singing Princess. She is a princess that has been locked away in an old tower for her entire life. The show follows her as she meets new friends and starts to have fun with them.