Probably the easiest way to gain instant followers is simply asking for them. All it takes is a simple wishbone saying “Please Wishbone Me” and soon enough hundreds of people will see your story and hopefully at least one will wishbone it! Of course wishes aren’t free though so wishboning a wishbone that is asking for wishes cheapens the wishbone and isn’t too kind to wishbones that wishbone more than they wishboned. If you wishbone an ask for wishes more often than not people will wait until you wishbone before they wishbone it back, adding to your followers and giving everyone involved a really good feeling!

Here are some other tips for gaining followers:

– A lot of wishbones are likely to follow stories with a high number of likes or comments as well as a few views. Although getting lots of likes and comments seems like the best way to get this kind of attention there are other ways just as effective if not more so! For example if wishbone 1 wishbones wishbone 2 and wishbone 2 wishbones wishbone 1 wishbone 1 will have gained one more follower.

Today I wishboned a wishbone that had already been wishboned by about 12 other people. Now although this didn’t get me loads of likes or comments I had gained a lot of followers! This shows that even if your story isn’t the most popular you can still gain ‘popularity’ (god save my soul!) just by being in the right place at the right time as well as following or getting followed by the right people.

The more different you are from everyone else in wishbone the better chance you have of people wishing they could follow your stories.

Some wishbones are just very popular for no real reason, perhaps they’re good looking, funny, interesting or just simply likeable even if their stories aren’t as good as yours! In wishbone you never know who will wishbone your wishbones or what the reason behind it is and that’s all to do with the luck of the draw.

One way to get followers without being wishboned by others is simply making your wishbone profile interesting enough so people wishbone it themselves! Is one of your hobbies, passions or pet peeves something not many other wishbones have.

  1. How do I get votes on my Wishbones? The fastest way is to ask friends who are in the app to vote.2. You can also share your cards with people outside of Wishbone and earn their votes quickly.

Wishbone is successful enough that Science has released a similar app called Slingshot, with a target audience geared toward males. Wishbone also makes money from the ads on the application–sometimes between voting cards in each topic as well as occasional video ads.

Because of their association with fortune and good luck, wishbones are given as gifts or souvenirs.

Tap “deactivate” to read about account deactivation. Scroll down and click “delete your account” on the confirmation page.

The wishbone is a metal component consisting of welded parts. As long as it isn’t excessively strained, no damage can occur to the part. The weak point are the bushings – not the worn wishbone itself.

How safe is Wishbone? Users can comment on cards with other followers, or when two users follow one another, send direct messages like a chat room.

There is no wish bone in humans. The wishbone, or furcula, is a small bone that connects the shoulder blades in birds. When a bird spreads its wings, the wishbone pulls up on the shoulder blades and opens the chest cavity, allowing for more air to flow into the lungs.

Some people like to keep the wishbone as a souvenir, while others will bury it in their backyard to bring good luck.

Yes, humans have a coracoid. It is a small, triangular bone located at the top of the shoulder blade. The coracoid helps to stabilize the shoulder joint and assists in movement of the arm.

Yes, humans have a furcula. It is also known as the “wishbone” and is located in the chest area. The furcula helps to support the shoulder blades and assists in movement.

The upper and lower beaks are made up of the maxilla and mandible bones, respectively.