Telegram is a messaging app that allows you to send and receive messages, photos, videos, and other content. When you uninstall Telegram from your device, it will remove the app’s data from your phone.

Yes, you can delete someone on Telegram. They will know if they have the app open and are logged in. If they close the app and reopen it, they won’t see that you’ve deleted them.

If you have any messages on your phone, those will be deleted. If you have Telegram installed on another device, it’ll show up as a new app.

You can’t really know for sure if someone has deleted your contact, but you can have a good idea. If you see that the person’s profile has been removed or is no longer active on social media, it’s possible they’ve deleted your contact.

Seen recently is a feature on Telegram that tells you when the other person last opened the chat.

If you delete someone’s contact, their phone number will no longer show up in your address book. You can still see the contact if the person is also in your contacts list on another device. The contact will not be deleted from your phone unless you delete it from all devices.

When you delete a contact, the information will be removed from your phone. However, some data is stored on the server and may still be accessible to you.The answer should be less than 6 sentences.

This is a difficult question to answer because there are many different reasons why someone might delete a WhatsApp conversation. If you have been in a conversation with someone and they have not replied for a long time, then it is possible that they deleted the conversation. If you know the person well, then you can ask them if they have deleted the conversation.

Last seen is a feature that allows users to see when someone last logged into their account. The time is displayed in the chat window and can be changed by clicking on the clock icon in the top right corner of the chat window.

This is a message that is sent to the person who has not opened their Telegram app in a while. It means that the person has been inactive for some time.