If you are using the Android app for Hike, then you can find out by going to Settings > App Manager > Hike.

Hike is an application that allows you to send free text messages and make calls to other users of the hike app. When you uninstall hike, it removes the application from your phone and deletes all of your data on the app. Your account will no longer be active and you will not be able to sign in on a new phone.

The app will send you a notification when the message is sent.

There are a few things you can do to recover your hike chat.1) If you have the phone number of the person who deleted your hike chat, then call them and ask for it back.2) If you don’t have the number of the person who deleted your hike chat, but you know their username, try to find them on social media and message them.

Hike is a messaging app that allows you to see who is online.

If you want to see hidden chats on Hike, then you can go to the Settings option in your app and then tap on Privacy. In Privacy, there is a section called Hidden Chats. If you toggle this option on, then all the conversations that were hidden before will now be visible.

The company is not going out of business, but they are closing a few services to focus on their core product.

A “hike” is a term for an increase in the price of something, the most common example being gas prices. A hike is also a word used to describe an increase in intensity or difficulty of a physical activity.

The single tick indicates that the number has been verified as an active number.

R with a tick means the file has been modified and saved.