You can use a site called Tweetdeck to search for old tweets by date.

No, old tweets cannot be found. If you are looking for a tweet that was posted over a year ago, the only way to find it is to search by date and time.

You can use Twitter’s advanced search to find tweets from a specific date, or you can also go to and type in a keyword.

Twitter’s API allows you to request tweets as far back as 2006.

You can see all your old tweets by going to your profile and clicking on “Tweets”.

To view your old tweets on your phone, you must go to the Twitter website and log in. Then, click on “Tweets” and select “All Tweets.” You will then be able to scroll through your timeline as you would on the Twitter app.

The first tweet was posted on March 21, 2006 by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey. The tweet read “just setting up my twttr”.

The limit of 3200 tweets is the number of tweets that can be displayed on a single page. If you want to see more than 3200 tweets, click the “next” button to go to the next page.

You can’t really see your first tweet, as it is now deleted. However, you could search for the post on Twitter and see the first few words.

It is not clear why tweets disappear, but it is likely due to a tweet’s age or the number of replies it has received.