Use the current owner account to log in to your Chromebook. Resetting settings is a good idea. Click Powerwash to delete everything. Confirm by restarting your device… When your Chromebook reboots, use the new account you want to make the “owner” of this computer.

Remove the screws from the back cover of your Chromebook. Remove the battery and disconnect the power cable between it and the motherboard. Open your Chromebook and press the power button for 30 seconds to remove the admin block.

To turn off a Chrome device, go to the Admin console, choose Device Management, then double-click on Chrome devices. Choose the correct machine in the list of devices; then click More Actions and select Disable. A caution notice will appear; if you do not want to complete the operation, press Cancel instead of OK.

The support for these laptops was set to expire in June 2022, but it has been extended until June 2025. If that’s the case, find out how old the model is and whether it’s still supported or not. As a matter of fact, every Chromebook has an expiration date, after which Google will no longer provide technical assistance.

Another disadvantage of using a Chromebook is that the Chrome OS isn’t compatible with many other programs, such as Windows-native applications. If your school or job relies on software that isn’t available in the Chrome Web Store. A Chromebook might quickly become quite difficult to use, making several activities impossible.

If your Chromebook has been stolen, you can disable it using your Google account. On a computer, go to and sign in with the same account that is used on your Chromebook. If you see your Chromebook listed, click “Remove” next to it.

If someone steals your laptop, the best thing to do is report it to the police and your internet service provider. You should also change your passwords for all of your online accounts.

To use Google Maps on a Chromebook, you first need to install the Google Maps app from the Chrome Web Store. Once the app is installed, you can open it by clicking on the Maps icon in the Chrome toolbar.

Yes, Chromebooks have GPS chips. This allows them to track your location and provide directions, among other things.

Yes, you can mock location on Chromebook. To do so, open the Chrome browser and go to the Settings menu. Under the “Advanced” section, click on “Content settings.” Scroll down to the “Location” section and select the “Allow mock locations” option.