Twitter will delete reported accounts if it violates their policies, but there is no guarantee the account will be deleted. Twitter has a policy against harassment and abusive behavior, but they are not always enforced.

Twitter is a public forum, so it does not delete accounts. If you are getting harassed on Twitter, you can block the person or report them for abuse.

In order to delete a Twitter account, you must first log out of the Twitter account. If you can’t log out of your account, you can request a password reset email from Twitter. Once you have logged out, go to the “Settings” tab and select “Deactivate my account.

Twitter has a form to report fake accounts. When you fill out the form, Twitter will review the account and take appropriate action.

It’s unclear how many reports it takes to get banned from Twitter. In general, the more reports one gets, the higher chance of being banned.

Yes, you can see who reported you on Twitter. To do this, go to the “Settings and privacy” section of your account and click on “Who can report me?” You’ll then see a list of people who have reported you.

Twitter is a social networking site. When you delete your account, it will be removed from the site. If you want to delete your account permanently, you can do so by following these steps:Log into Twitter and go to Settings > Security and privacy > Account.Under “Account deletion,” select “Yes.”Enter in your password again and click on “Delete my account.”A pop up will appear with a warning message.

Yes, it is possible to take over a suspended account on Twitter. However, the account will be locked for at least 30 days.

To delete an account from two connected Twitter accounts, you can follow these steps:Log in to the account that you want to delete.Click on the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen and select Settings.Scroll down to Apps and click on “Revoke Access” next to Twitter.Log out, then log back in again with the other account.

Twitter accounts are deleted after they have been inactive for 6 months.

It is not illegal to make a fake Twitter account. However, the user may be violating the terms of service.

The best way to report an account for impersonation is by reporting it to the company that manages the account. This can be done through Facebook’s reporting system, Twitter’s reporting system, or Google’s reporting system. If the account is not on these platforms, you can contact the police department in your area and file a report.