1. Log in with your email address and password.

  2. Find “Pronounce Your Patronus” at the top of the page.

  3. Click “I’d like to change my Patronus.”

  4. Enter your old one into the box below that says “What was your previous Patronus?”

Can I change my details in Pottermore?

How often do you change your Patronus in the Pottermore universe? If it’s been a while since they last changed, then here is how to reset your Patronus on Pottermore.

– Login to Pottermore with the account that matches the email address used when creating their original Patronus Charm (e.g., if they created their first charm using “[email protected]”, login under that username)

– Click ‘My Profile’ and select ‘Edit My Details’.

– Select the option for changing one’s Patronus from ‘Animagus’, click next until reaching a screen with three options: Animal, Trinket or Sentient being spoken of. Choose any animal other than fox; this

Once you’ve found your Patronus, it cannot be changed. There are plenty of online quizzes to find yours, but the most accurate place can be on Pottermore–J.K. Rowling’s official Harry Potter website.

Your Patronus is unique and should be treated as such, even if you don’t think it matches your expectations. You can’t change it unless you want to create a new account on Pottermore — good luck with that!

The albatross is the rarest Patronus on our list; with a low number of Wizards who favor its form.

J.K. Rowling recently announced Pottermore, an online reading experience to be launched in 2011 that will offer readers “a safe and enjoyable place to read Harry’s adventures”.

Hermione has a difficult time summoning her Patronus because she struggles with her self-confidence. She often doubts her abilities, which makes it difficult for her to focus on the happy memories that are necessary to produce a Patronus.

Hermione’s Patronus is a lioness.

Ron’s Patronus is a lion. He was able to produce it in his third year of wizarding school after he learned the spell from Professor Lupin.

McGonagall’s Patronus is a cat. Her Patronus takes the form of a tabby cat, which is her favorite type of cat. McGonagall is very skilled at casting Patronuses, and she is able to produce a corporeal Patronus even when under great stress. Her Patronus is a powerful defense against Dementors and other dark creatures.

The Patronus Charm is a defensive spell that is used to protect the caster from dark creatures. The charm summons a guardian that takes the form of an animal that is associated with happiness. Luna Lovegood’s Patronus was a hare, which is an animal that is known for being playful and happy. The hare was likely chosen because it represents joy and innocence, which are two things that Luna embodies.

Neville’s Patronus is a lion. His Patronus is powerful and fierce, just like Neville himself. Neville’s Patronus gives him strength and courage in tough times. The lion is also a symbol of nobility and power, which are both qualities that Neville embodies.