To select an area with the marquee tool, you need to first click and drag the mouse over the area that you want to select. Once the area is selected, release the mouse button.

To select an area with the marquee tool, you can use the keyboard shortcut Command (Mac) or Ctrl (Windows) + M.

There are a few things to consider when selecting a marquee in Photoshop. First, the size of the marquee will determine how much space it takes up on the screen. Second, the type of marquee you choose will affect how it is displayed. Third, the color of the marquee will affect how it is displayed. Finally, the shape of the marquee will affect how it is displayed.

There is no one definitive answer to this question as it depends on the specific needs of the user. However, some methods that may be used to select parts of an image through the Marquee tool include using a selection tool such as the Rectangular Marquee or the Elliptical Marquee, clicking and dragging within the bounding box created by the selection tool, or using keyboard shortcuts.

The marquee tools allow you to select specific areas of an image. The selection tools allow you to make selections based on color, shape, or other criteria.

There are a few things to consider when selecting an elliptical marquee tool in Photoshop. The first is the type of elliptical curve you want to use. There are three types of elliptical curves: Bezier, Bézier Spline, and Smooth. Bezier curves are the most popular and offer the most control, but they can be more difficult to use.

A rectangular marquee tool is a type of graphic design tool used for creating a selection of rectangles or other shapes.

A marquee selection tool is a software application that allows users to select specific text or content within a document for later use. This can be helpful when organizing and managing large documents, as well as when creating presentations or flyers.

There are a few ways to fill a rectangular marquee tool in Photoshop. The easiest way is to use the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M). To fill the entire marquee with a color, click in the center of the marquee, and then click the desired color in the Tools palette. To fill just part of the marquee with a color, click and hold down the mouse button while you drag the cursor around the desired area.

Yes, you can use the rectangular marquee tool to select an area to use as a pattern.

The Marquee tool is a drawing and editing tool in Adobe Photoshop. It lets you draw a selection around a section of your image, and then edit the selection as if it were a separate image. This can be useful for cutting out parts of an image, or for making changes that only affect the selected area.