To remove flags in Lightroom, just deselect them by clicking on the flag icon to the left of the photo’s thumbnail.

Select the Flagged Photos Collection in the Library Module.In the Filmstrip, select all the photos you want to flag by Shift-clicking them.Click the Flag button at the bottom of the Filmstrip.

To flag, multiple photos in Lightroom, select the photos you want to flag and then press the “P” key on your keyboard. This will place a flag icon next to each of the selected photos.

In Lightroom, the shortcut to Unflag is Command-U (Mac) or Control-U (PC).

To unpick an adjustment in Lightroom, click on the “U” icon at the bottom of the adjustment panel. This will undo the last adjustment that you made.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the process for viewing rejected photos in Lightroom may vary depending on the version of the software that you are using. However, a basic guide to viewing rejected photos in Lightroom is as follows:In the Library module, select the Photos panel and then click on the Rejected folder. This will show you all of the photos that have been rejected by Lightroom.

In Lightroom, you can view a photo’s star rating by looking at the upper right-hand corner of the photo. There, you’ll see a row of five stars. To view the rating for a specific star, hover your mouse over that star.

To flag an image in Lightroom, you can use the keyboard shortcut “P” or the flag icon at the bottom of the Library module. Flagging an image as “Pick” will add it to your “Favorites” collection, while flagging it as “Reject” will remove it from your catalog.

To color code in Lightroom, first, select the photos that you want to color code. Then, go to the Library module and click on the “Collections” tab. Click on the “Create Collection” button and give your collection a name. For example, you could name it “Red Photos.” Then, drag the photos that you want to add to the collection into the “Collection” box. Next, click on the “Metadata” tab and select “Color Label.

In the Library module, click on the Photos tab and then select the Originals checkbox. This will show all of the original photos, even if they have been edited and exported from Lightroom.