To unfriend a deleted account, you will need to find the person’s feed and click on their profile picture. If the person is still active on Facebook, there will be a link that says “Unfriend” in the top right corner of their profile.

No, Moviestarplanet accounts do not get deleted. There are many reasons why this is the case. First of all, there are still many children who play Moviestarplanet. Secondly, in order to delete an account, the person who created it would have to contact customer service and request that they delete it.

Moviestarplanet is a website for kids to make their own avatars, write stories, and play games. It’s not uncommon for kids to want to delete their accounts because they’ve grown out of the site.To delete your Moviestarplanet account, go to the website and click on “Log Out” in the top right corner of the screen. Then click on “Delete Account” in the bottom left corner of the screen.

To delete a Moviestarplanet account on mobile, you will need to log in to your account and go to the Settings tab. From there, select “Delete Account.” You will then be prompted to confirm the deletion of your account.

No, deactivated accounts do not count as friends. Deactivated Facebook accounts are unable to send or receive messages, post on the wall, tag photos, or update statuses. These inactive accounts are no longer in use and can not interact in any active ways with other users’ accounts. The only interactions they have are in regards to viewing private information in old posts. Deactivated Facebook accounts are not counted as friends by the social media site.

No, deactivating your Facebook account does not remove friends. When you deactivate your account, it will remove any posts and content from the News Feed. You can still send and receive messages to people who are not friends on Facebook, but if they reply to you, their replies will only go to your email inbox.When you deactivate your account, it will remove any posts and content from the News Feed.

Moviestarplanet is a virtual world for kids that was developed by a company called Mindscape. It has been in operation since 2005, and it’s still going strong.

MSP takes about two weeks to reply because two weeks is the length of time it takes for the person who submitted the request to verify that the information requested is not already in the public domain. If it is, then MSP will note this fact and send a letter confirming this. The submission of a public-domain request costs $14.50.

The only way to get rare cards is by opening packs, and the odds of getting a rare card are significantly lower than getting a common card.

The first step is to sign in to your account. Once signed in, click on the gear icon and select “My Account” from the drop-down menu. From there, you will be able to delete your account.