How Does Mint Mobile Work?

Mint Mobile works exclusively on T-Mobile’s network. One of T-Mobile’s network’s unique edge in the telecommunications industry is the offer of fast browsing and faster download speed. These are also features that are accessible to Mint mobile’s subscribers. 

Mint Mobile offers four separate prepaid plans, with prices varying depending on the length of the agreement. However you cannot purchase a Mint Mobile plan for a single month, overall, you will need to budget for three, six, or a year ahead of time.

As a new subscriber or one who is intending to be, Mint mobile allows you to have a foretaste of what their subscription looks like. It often lasts for three months at the most reduced cost. After the expiry of your three-month trial, you can go ahead to try out any of their subscription plans.

How the prepaid sub-plans work?

An important premise to build upon is the fact that all prepaid plans are known to work on a 4G-5G LTE network.

Three-Months Plan

For new subscribers, the monthly price is different from that of regular subscribers. A typical 4GB is offered at $15 a month and $45 for the duration of the three months. Regular subscribers on the other hand get this service at $25 per month and a total due of $75. 

Subsequently, a 1OGB monthly high-speed data for newbies is priced at $20 for a month and a total sum of $60 for three months. Regular subscribers will get this plan at $35 for a month and $105 after the three months duration has elapsed. 

The next plan in this category is the 15GB Monthly High-Speed Data on offer to newbies at $25 per month and $75 for three months and $45 monthly for regulars and $135 for three months.

The highest-paid plan in this category is the 35GB data that sells for $30 per month and $90 for three months to new subscribers and $40 per month for the regulars and $120 for three months.

The Six months plans

The six-month plan is exclusively on offer to customers who have decided to permanently join the network. It is important to note that these subscription fees are paid upfront and not monthly rate. 

4GB is sold for $20 a month and $120 for six months

10GB is sold for $25 a month and $150 for six months

15GB is sold for $35 a month and $210 for six months

The twelve-month plan

When it comes to the subscription plans, it will be discovered that new subscribers receive the most benefits; thus, while trying out the plans to see if you will eventually commit to Mint mobile, you should start with the twelve-month plan to enjoy that offer exclusively for a year. Regardless of which plan you choose, you will have access to unlimited talk and texting time.

Other facts about Mint mobile’s operations

 Once you pass your monthly allocated sub, the network resets to 2G browsing features like slow browsing and slow download speed. The plans become cheaper and unlimited when you purchase longer plansIn case a customer dislikes the services the company has to offer, there is a seven-day refund guarantee. The services of Mint mobile don’t work on every device except on GSM networks, specifically on T-Mobile and AT&T. Service areas with no T-Mobile network or a slow network will hinder a customer from fully maximizing the discount Mint mobile plans have to offer. There is a huge chance deprioritization occurs. This is a scenario when the main network provider decides to place urgency and importance on its customers ahead of those operating as Affiliates. The implication of this is that those on the MVNO and Mint mobile will endure low browsing speed while those on the real network continue to enjoy a faster network speed.


Mint mobile truly offers cheap data plans compared to its contemporaries. Its major challenge comes from its reliance on another service provider but a company of its nature has fared well in delivering the best to its customers in terms of the service they provide.

Frequently asked questions about Mint Mobile’s operation

Will Mint Mobile roll over your unused data?

Answer: Mint mobile will not carry over your left-over data when your sub expires.

What should you do after you have used up all your data with Mint Mobile?

Answer: You have an option to renew your subscription or should you decide you are fed up with the network provider you can join another.