Youtube is an American platform, which allows users to stream videos online and share also. Youtube becomes one of the biggest platforms for creating content as well. Millions of people use youtube for learning purposes or for earning or entertainment.  It’s very simple to make money from youtube, you just have to make and upload the content which is trendy at that time or something different from others. Always make the best use of youtube.

How to make money on youtube?

To make money from youtube, you have to first reach 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time, which is the basic requirement to get monetized. The following are the things which help you to make money are:

  1. Google Ads

  2. Brand Sponsorship

  3. Fan Funding 

  4. Merchandise sells 

  5. Google Ads

If you want to make money then you have to join the Youtube Partner program, to join this program firstly you need to qualify as a content creator, which gives you access to various tools which help in making money via Google Adsense. Youtube shows many kinds of Ads on your videos and pays you ss% if the viewer clicks or any kind of impression done on it. YouTubers have to take care of the guidelines of Google Ads. 

  1. Brand Sponsorship

It is also known as Influencer marketing. The company will pay the creator when they promote their brand or the product.

  1. Fan Funding 

As the name suggests, Fans will make monthly payments for emojis, live chats, content, special videos, etc.

  1. Merchandise sales 

You can also sell up to 12 items of merchandise to the audience which attracts them the most.   This feature helps you in growing well. 

How does youtube pay?

Adsense account is used by youtube to make money. It allows the users to create a free Adsense account. The Google Adsense account displays the overview of the content, it shows analytics as well. And also the income will show only their.

How Adsense works

Adsense allows you to display ads on your videos and shows the highest paying Ads on the site as well. When someone clicks on these ads you will get a part of the income for it.

How does youtube transfer you the money?

The revenue which they generate by using Google Adsense or the content which they create will be transferred to you by youtube. Now, here is some information on how youtube sends you the money. 

After creating and activating the Google Adsense account. Then follow these steps:

  1. Link your Adsense account to your youtube channel.

  2. Enable monetization.

  3. Just check the videos and Ad format which you can monetise.

The money you will earn through the Ads then youtube will send you the money in your Adsense account. Once you will earn $10 using Adsense then Google will send you a postcard with a verification code to verify the address. Once your address will be verified then the earnings will reach the method of payment. Now, you have to select the form of payment, there are several methods of payment available to you such as EFT, wire transfer etc. After the processing period ends, payment will be reached to you.

Youtube will pay you for all the efforts which you will make. In today’s world. Youtube is the best option to earn and viral your content. It provides you with earnings without any kind of degree. You just have a talent for something and a passion to do that. It is one of the biggest platforms which serves you the services of entertainment and earning at the same time. Youtube will pay you in the very most straightforward manner once your address gets verified by Google AdSense. If, you want to earn well then always work with proper techniques and use Google Ads. You can opt for other methods also to earn as mentioned in the above article.

  1. Does Google Adsense verification necessary?

  Yes, the Google Adsense account verification is necessary because youtube will pay you only through the Google Adsense account.

  1. What is the minimum limit to qualify for the Youtube Partner Program?

    To qualify for Youtube Partner Program, you have to first get a minimum of 1000 views and 4000 watching hours.

 3. Did youtube also pays you for the Ad-free video?

    Youtube will only pay for those videos which are with Ads.