Is NASA dealing With 91 GB Per Second Speed? Or Is It A Mere Myth?

For searching for answers to the above question. We’ve created an in-depth manual to show the reality of NASA’s tremendous Internet speed. After reading the article, you could also get why NASA wants so much Internet speed and how they use this speed in their space programs.

What Is The Speed Of Wi-Fi Used In NASA Headquarters?

 According to the maximum dependable sources we can find, NASA’s Wi-Fi operates at a surprising speed of 91 GB per second. From this information, we can assume that it is approximately 13,000 instances quicker than the typical domestic Internet speed of roughly 20 to 25 Mbps. This record break speed was first recorded when NASA conducted a test on its Wi-Fi in 2014.

What Is The Reason That NASA Able To Achieve This Speed?

 It all started when NASA got interested in a data transfer rate of 622 megabits Keeping with seconds in 2013. with the help of laser communication, they can send data to a probe far from the headquarters of lunar orbit at a distance of 380,000 kilometers. NASA has continually trusted radio frequency to transmit data to space, so changing the mode from radio waves to laser has become a significant milestone within the record of the Internet itself.

How Did NASA Achieve such A Significant Milestone Of Increasing Its Connection Speed To 91 Gbps?

 Now NASA no longer depends upon commercial Internet service providers for their work. Instead, they develop and use a particular type of shadow network called “ESnet” (Energy Science Network). They tested this Shadow network between two research facilities in 2014. The main reason to set up this network is to know the capacity of transferring a file from one system to another, and they are kept at a distance of 2500 km from each other. At the end of the experiment, NASA was able to accomplish in achieving a more incredible speed of 100 GB per second. Now NASA has completed a connection that is 13 000 times greater than the commercial internet speed.

The above experiment does not conclude that NASA is currently using this network speed. If you are questioning, in case, you have a problem gaining access to ESnet, reserve in Thor that you are not the only one who tried to access it. Some so-called hackers also tried but failed badly. The main reason for that is due to the fact this whole network is blanketed via way of means of numerous firewalls to Shield its presence from ordinary public and cyber threats.

Why Does NASA Want To Achieve Such An Excessive-Pace Internet?

Many people think about what is the reason behind achieving so much speed. Are they want to watch all day Netflix, or do they want to download every game present on the Internet? It’s sound interested, but that not the plan NASA has. The primary reason for such a speed requirement is to complete their task more effectively and efficiently. It is a basic fact that NASA cannot rely upon a gradual insecure network to transmit necessary information that desires to be brought and sent on time.

 So, a steady and rapid Internet connection is needed to quickly control all critical records and information. The working staff and NASA is 17,000, and a standard Wi-Fi connection does not fulfill the requirements of many people who are required to do more work in a brief period. And NASA operates with ten headquarters worldwide; Gradual network can damage a stable communication mainframe between the cross-country line. So, we have come across many motives that NASA wants a super speed network.

 What is The Main Difference Between Gigabytes And Gigabits?

Generally, people are much more familiar with “Megabytes” and “Gigabytes” than considering “Gigabits”. They all thought it was a new term introduced afterward, but that was not the case. People are mainly confused because of the names bytes and bits.

 To better understand these terms, let us first look at the relationship between bits and bytes. Bits are the fundamental records unit of the computer. It consists of only a binary value of 0 or 1. It works as a data transmission unit, just like the cell in the human body. one bit consists of 8 bits, which dad used for a much more extensive data transmission unit.


 Up till the end of the article, you are still considering that NASA has the only fastest inter-internet connection worldwide, but it is not valid. In 2020, the speed of 178 terabits per second will be achieved and recorded by researchers in Japan and United Kingdom. Some reports say they can cross the rate of 182,272 gigabits per second, which is 17,800 times faster than national shadow networks.

 After talking to a critical lead researcher of the project, the news agency also releases that they are working to make it a global data transfer technology with a speed of 178 terabits per second.