How I Met Your Mother was incredibly character-driven, which was one of the main reasons that the show was so successful. One character who went through a vast amount of changes was Robin Scherbatsky, who is new to the city when we first meet her in the show. She is the last to join the group that we come to know and love, but she quickly fits in and makes a big impact. She dates two members of the group, as well as other people throughout the series, she progresses with work and really develops as a person.

Of course, this is the period of life where the most growth and change tends to take place and that certainly happens. Here are the 10 biggest changes that Robin goes through from the start of the show to the finale.

Gains A Group Of Friends

Arguably the most obvious way that Robin’s life changes from the first episode to the last is that she gains a group of close friends. When we first meet Robin she is hanging out in the bar, with a group of girls but they’re not exactly her tight friends.

As a relatively new person in the city, Robin is in a need to find likeminded people, and with Ted and the gang, that’s exactly what she does. It’s something that totally changes her life and no doubt makes things more fun for her as a person.

She Becomes More Vulnerable

One big change that comes for Robin, in terms of her personality, is that she becomes far less vulnerable. Robin is quite a closed book at the start of the series and she keeps a lot of things about herself private, mainly because she doesn’t seem comfortable sharing information.

However, as the series develops that begins to change. She opens herself up in ways that nobody expects, which makes her an easier character to connect with from the perspective of an audience, which is why she became so beloved.

Opens Up To Children

Robin is adament throughout the entire show that she doesn’t want to have children, as we later learn that she cannot physically have any. Children are something she’s not comfortable around initially, struggling to know what to do around them.

However, as we learn by the end that fear is something that disappears. She spends a lot of time with Ted’s two children and becomes very close with them. It shows that this fear begins to disappear as she grows older, which is great to see.

She Gets Angrier

While Robin does open up in later seasons, she also does become a little more aggressive and snappy at times. Perhaps this is down to the fact that she opens herself up, ends up in serious relationships and things get more serious in general, which is a total opposite to the carefree attitude she had early on.

While she’s very rarely nasty to people, especially her friends, there’s no doubt she does get a little snappier. This is a strong reflection of what happens to lots of people when pressure begins to rise.

She Matures

As pressure grows in her life, there’s no doubt that she begins to mature at the same time. This is likely something that she has to do due to gaining more opportunities at work and getting into a serious relationship, but there’s no doubt that she starts to become more mature.

Robin in the first few seasons loves to joke and fool around, often being the goofiest member of the group, which is why she became so popular. But as her life develops, Robin certainly does as well.

Travels The World

One of the big changes that take place in Robin’s life is down to her work, as it takes her all around the world. Robin ends up drifting away from the group a little bit at times, and that’s down to the fact she’s not around as much as she used to be.

Robin spends a large portion of time working in Japan, which is a huge opportunity for her and allows Robin to get out of her bubble of the same places. While it might have a negative effect on some aspects of her life, it certainly allows her to develop.

Learns To Stand Up For Herself

Earlier on in How I Met Your Mother, Robin tended to be a bit of a ‘Yes Man.’ She would agree to do anything no matter what, whether it be with friends, or particularly, with work. She often got given the worst jobs to do and Robin was just happy to accept things.

However, as the show develops Robin becomes far more confident and she really pushes herself to say no at times when things don’t suit her. It shows a brilliant growth that really suits her personality.

Married & Divorced

If you’d have said that Robin would end up getting married at the start of the series, few would have predicted that Barney would be the man she was doing it with. However, that’s what happens as she and the show’s resident ladies man end up falling in love.

The dup get married in one of How I Met Your Mother’s greatest moments, but unfortunately, this doesn’t last. They stick together, married for three years, but eventually, Robin’s job and the travel that comes with it levies a toll, and they get divorced.

Lands Her Dream Job

Robin has to work hard in her field of journalism and news reporting in order to get any opportunities. While she initially starts out just doing the fluff pieces that don’t mean much, she works her way up to be getting major jobs around the world.

Robin works in Japan as a foreign correspondent, she hosts a morning show and even gets her dream role at World Wide News as she wanted that I.D. She might not always be the most professional at work, but she really does work hard for the opportunities she gets, being in a much better position at the end of the series than she was at the start.

Falls In Love With Ted

She doesn’t just do this once, she actually falls for Ted twice. While Robin insists in the early stages of the show that she only wants to be friends with the main character, Ted Mosby, she eventually ends up falling in love with him as they end up in a relationship.

While their first spell together doesn’t work out, that doesn’t mean they give up on it as the show’s finale proved. While it wasn’t a popular decision with fans, Ted does actually end up going back to Robin, with the two of them finally becoming a couple.