When it comes to How I Met Your Mother, there are going to be mixed reviews about the show’s final OTPs. Some weren’t happy to learn that Barney and Robin would divorce. Others were devastated to learn that Ted and The Mother weren’t endgame. Let’s not even talk about the reaction to the Ted and Robin of it all.

However, if fans could go back to change (or create) one pairing, who would you put together? Or would you keep them the same? From the idea of Marshall & Zoey to Carl & Wendy, here are 10 couples that would have made a lot of sense (but never got together).

Robin & Brad

One of the most intriguing pairings had to be when the writers contemplated putting Brad and Robin together. Unfortunately, the pair didn’t last very long as Robin was hung up on her feelings for Barney, but again, the potential for more was there too.

For instance, both Brad and Robin are avid fans of ice hockey - with the lawyer taking Robin to a game on their first date. Funnily enough, he is the only guy to do so. Even though Robin was ‘dating’ Barney at the time, fans can still see that she is attracted Brad - based on her response to the kiss cam and her checking out his abs. It would have been interesting to see a dynamic between the two.

Ted & Nora

The “Bro Code” between Barney and Ted would have prevented this from taking off on the show, but imagine if Nora was the love interest for Ted? Fans may not realize this but the pair do have quite a few things in common. Nora was seen to be a hopeless romantic like Ted, expressing her enjoyment of Valentine’s Day and romantic gestures.

She also tells Barney that she would love to get married and have children one day, meaning Nora shared similar life goals as Ted. Since Ted’s son is called Luke, she could have easily been cast as the mother as the writers included the fact that Nora had watched Star Wars.

Barney & Claudia

Out of all the women Barney has pursued, Claudia was always known as the one who got away. From the beginning, Barney hasn’t hidden his interest in Claudia, expressing his attraction by stating she was “hotter than Stuart.” When Claudia believed that Stuart had called off the wedding, Barney tried to seduce her.

Although Barney had used one of his seduction techniques on her, Claudia seemed touched that Barney remembered her favorite drink and was quite comfortable around him. Who knows, if Claudia split from Stuart after finding out he cheated, they could have connected on some level.

Carl & Wendy

Before Wendy got her happy ending, marrying a guy who hated Marshall just as much as she did, did anyone else believe she and Carl could have made a good couple? With them both working at MacLaren’s bar as recurring characters, it was likely that the viewer would see them often.

Overall, Carl and Wendy became permanent fixtures at MacLaren’s, working together for six years. With Wendy always on shift when Carl was, there was a possibility that the two could have been friends. If Wendy wasn’t already married, how surprising would it have been if Ted revealed that Carl and Wendy had a son who would end up running MacLaren’s?

Barney & Number 31

Many fans were heartbroken that Barney couldn’t make it work with Robin. It was even upsetting to learn that Barney didn’t think he would be able to commit himself to another relationship because he didn’t think it would work out. But what if he managed to make it work with ’number 31’?

If you think about it, the couple would make sense since they have a child together and would be in each other’s lives. Barney has also shown to hold resentment towards his own father for not being his “lame suburban dad”, which suggests that the businessman would never abandon Ellie. If ’number 31’ got to see Barney’s kinder side, the potential for a romance is there.

Ted & Trudy

Was anyone else a little bit disappointed that Ted and Trudy never gave their relationship a go? Although their meetings were brief, their chemistry was off the charts. The first time ended badly when Trudy was forced to crawl down the fire escape after Ted hid her in his bedroom.

However, they soon got a second chance when Trudy made a reappearance in “Third Wheel”. The couple did appear to be hitting it off again, with Trudy insisting she was glad she ran into him again and Ted about to ask her out on a date. Who knows where they could have been if her college roommate didn’t interrupt.

Zoey & Marshall

There was one person who would have been more compatible with Zoey and that was Marshall. The thought of Marshall with anyone other than Lily doesn’t seem right. However, if Lily wasn’t in the picture, then the odds of Marshall ending up with someone like Zoey was high.

For instance, both Marshall and Zoey were seen to share similar interests. They can both be seen as political activists, with Marshall bonding with Zoey over the demolition of the Arcadian Hotel. Zoey was also the person who encouraged Marshall to pursue his dreams, supporting the fundraiser he held for the NRDC. If they ended up together, they would have spent their time saving the world.

Ted & Coat Check Girl

Another opportunity the writers missed was between Ted and the Coat Check Girl. On two occasions, Jayma Mays made an appearance on the show and both times she was wasted. In “Okay Awesome”, she and Ted spend the majority of the episode flirting about the things they hate. Ted leaves her with the impression that he is going to ask her on a date, but nothing came of it.

She also makes a reappearance in “The Time Travelers” and again, nothing came from it because Ted feels like it wouldn’t go anywhere. Who knows where the relationship could have gone if Ted didn’t listen to the doubts? Or if he revisited that club? He wouldn’t know for certain that it would end badly unless he tried.

Kelly & Barney

Fans may not remember this, but Barney and Kelly do have a history together as it was revealed that she had fallen for one of Barney’s plays. With Kelly also known as one of Tracy’s friends, there was a possibility that she could have run into Barney at some social gatherings.

Although another meeting would be awkward at first, Barney and Kelly would have been able to find some common ground. For one, they can be seen as the life and soul of the party, dragging their friends out to all sorts of events. Two, both can be fairly promiscuous, meaning they could have been each other’s wingman/woman. The potential was all there.

Lily & Ted

If Marshall wasn’t in the picture, there was a possibility that Lily and Ted could have ended up being college sweethearts. Despite Marshall and Barney arguing over who was Ted’s best friend, no one knew him better than Lily. She knew when he was lying, knew when something was bothering him and was the one who always gave him the best advice.

In return, Ted proved to be a pillar of strength for Lily. He was there for her when Lily was at a crossroads over her career and Ted also didn’t judge her when she confessed her struggles with motherhood. With such a solid bond, there was the potential that this friendship could blossom into a romance.