When How I Met Your Mother first aired in 2005, it captured fans’ hearts with its loveable characters and unique show structure. Viewers were on the edge of their seat season after season, waiting to find out the true identity of Ted’s wife. While it was a long wait to find out the truth, following the gang and their adventures for nine seasons was a great ride.

Ted’s apartment was a popular hangout location for the gang all throughout the series so fans definitely got to know it well. We’ve uncovered 10 hidden details about Ted’s apartment that will surprise even the most die-hard fan.

The Clock Is Always Set To 4:20

Have you ever noticed the clock that’s hanging above the fireplace in the gang’s apartment? It’s a small detail but it’s always set to 4:20 which is a nod to Ted and Marshall’s love for smoking marijuana, or as Ted calls it, eating a sandwich.

Their smoking has been referenced in multiple episodes, but most notably in the season seven episode “Tick Tick Tick” where the episode revolves around Ted and Marshall getting stoned at a concert. Knowing this, it’s pretty easy to imagine Ted and Marshall going out of their way to set the clock to this time.

The Couch Changes Without Notice

At the beginning of season one, Ted and Marshall’s apartment has a brown leather couch in the living room, but as the series goes on it changes to the red couch that fans have come to know and love. The brown leather couch definitely wasn’t around for long and didn’t even make it into season two.

What’s even more strange is that the structure of the couch remains the same. Both couches have the same brown wooden accent along both arms, so it appears only the color and fabric of the couch has actually changed.

They Have A New York Central System Poster

This is a rather random poster for Ted and Marshall to have in their apartment. The poster references the New York Central System which is the railroad that operates in New York State. While this poster is obviously relevant in that it refers to the city they live in, that’s the only connection to be found.

Ted is interested in architecture and Marshall studies law, neither one of them has a certain interest or love for the railroad system so it’s unknown why they would have this poster hanging in their living room.

Lily Didn’t Always Live There

At the beginning of the series, it appears Ted, Marshall, and Lily are all best friends who live together. Surprisingly, during mid-season one, fans learn that Lily actually had an apartment of her own. In the episode “The Duel”, audiences see Lily revisit her apartment for the first time in a while to find that it has been turned into a Chinese restaurant. This prompted her to make the decision to officially live with Ted and Marshall.

If you missed this episode then you very well may have missed this fact all together as it’s never again addressed in the series.

Almost Everyone In The Gang Has Lived In The Apartment

Aside from MacLaren’s Pub, Ted’s first New York City apartment was definitely the top hangout spot for the gang. So much so that almost all of the gang has taken turns living there at one point or another. Ted and Marshall were the first to live there, Lily moved in during mid-season one, and Robin moved in during season four.

The only member of the gang who never lived in the apartment was Barney, even though he did sleep there on occasion and was over quite often, especially after he and Robin started dating.

There’s A Mystery Desk Behind The Couch

Fans are well aware of Ted’s desk in the back of the apartment near the fire escape, as he frequently works from it. However, did you know that there’s also another desk and chair directly behind Ted’s couch? This desk is rarely seen as it takes a certain camera angle to notice it in the first place.

Anyone from the gang is rarely, if ever, seen working from this desk so the reason for its existence is unknown. In fact, at a closer glance, there are actually many pieces of furniture throughout the main living area of Ted’s apartment that is very rarely used.

The Kitchen Decor Changes

Above the sink in the kitchen audiences will always see a lamp, a sign and some sort of doll. However, throughout the series the lamp, sign, and doll all change. The most noticeable change of the three is easily the doll. It changes from a real doll hanging on the wall to what appears to be a drawing of a doll.

This definitely leaves audiences to wonder who drew the figure and why. It’s possible that it’s some sort of wall decal, but either way, it sure is a random addition to the gang’s kitchen.

It Must Have Been Really Expensive

How Ted and Marshall were able to afford their large two-bedroom New York City apartment is one of the show’s greatest mysteries. This apartment had to be extremely expensive considering the area and Ted and Marshall weren’t always on their feet career-wise.

There were even times when Ted lived on his own meaning that he would have had to pay the rent all by himself. The most popular explanation is that Ted and Marshall’s family helped foot the bill until they both got going in their respective careers.

You Can Have Your Own Intervention

The gang’s famous interventions are one of the show’s best running jokes. Whenever they hung their “intervention” banner in Ted and Marshall’s apartment, fans knew it was time to set one of the main characters straight.

There’s Too Much Clutter

You may have never noticed how much stuff is actually in Ted’s apartment. There are so many pieces of furniture, books, and knick-knacks crammed in every corner. The walls are also filled with lots of things that may or may not be on-brand for Ted and Marshall, such as the doll in the kitchen or the New York Central System poster in the living room.

Knowing Ted’s personality, it’s hard to imagine him wanting his apartment to feel crammed with so many things. One might assume that most of the stuff is Marshall’s, but Ted’s bedroom is equally filled with clutter.