It has been nearly a decade since the How I Met Your Mother finale was released to the public, and people are still talking about it. It’s safe to say that the finale of the rom-com series left a lot of people up in arms and incredibly heated about how everything turned out for the main cast of characters.

While some endings for the characters on the series were perfectly constructed and well deserved, others were unfortunately stuck with the short end of the stick. With that said, who on How I Met Your Mother received fitting endings? Which characters deserved more? Scroll on down, and see for yourself!


Although it was unfortunate that Robin and Barney got divorced in the end, the fact that Barney’s arc was completed with him becoming a father was extremely fitting for his character. Specifically, he birthed a daughter, and this fully altered his perspective of women that he originally saw as objects for his pleasure.

Being a father to a girl made him into a much better person and it was honestly really rewarding to witness. We’re glad that in the finale we got to see him finally change his ways and grow up after all that time. It was something we had been waiting for since the series first began.


Lily admitted towards the finale of How I Met Your Mother that she didn’t feel as though she had enough fulfillment in her life. Throughout the series, it was made evident how desperately this woman wanted to become an artist. She gave up that life to pursue teaching kindergarteners and become a parent of three.

Although she loved her family to death, she admitted to Ted that she wanted so much more than the humdrum life she felt as though she had succumbed to.


Marshall’s dreams came true at the end of the series for several different reasons. For one, he got the perfect family that he has always wanted. Secondly, he became a judge which is something Marshall had been striving for, for years. He got to be with the woman of his dreams, got the perfect job, and the ideal family.

The only thing he secretly wished for that never came true was being able to live in New Jersey. He was utterly obsessed with the idea of living somewhere suburban because it’s the rustic sort of lifestyle that he grew up with.


In a way, Victoria was the perfect woman for Ted. Unlike Robin, Victoria was a romantic in the same way that Ted always was. She preferred big gestures and Shakespearean date-nights, and who better than Ted Mosby to provide them for her? In fact, the series originally planned for Victoria to be the mother! 

Yet unfortunately, Ted just couldn’t seem to overcome his deep feelings for Robin. He was totally hooked on her, even though she wanted something casual. Unfortunately for Victoria, she kept getting her heart stomped on time and time again by Ted.


Luckily for Ted, he got pretty much everything he’s ever wanted. Not only did he get to spend a set of beautiful and unforgettable years with Tracy, his soul mate, but he also got to make things work (after decades of pining) with the love of his life, Robin. Not bad, Schmosby! He really lucked out and got it all.

His greatest desire in life was always to find love, and he did it twice with two wonderful women. Plus, he got an amazing set of kids who, despite their semi-annoyance, listened to all of Ted’s tales about love and dating.


If you think about it, those kids are probably traumatized by now after listening to all of the unnecessary details Ted gave them about his dating life! Seriously. Did the kids really need to know about Ted’s sexual endeavors with random women? Did they need to know about all of the offensive (as well as illegal) stunts that Barney pulled in order to get women to sleep with them?

Those poor, poor kids! They definitely deserved more. Plus, did they really need to sit through their Dad explaining how much he was in love with a woman who wasn’t their mom?


Natalie played one of Ted’s old girlfriends on How I Met Your Mother. The two of them dated before the show began, and Ted had a bad habit of dumping her on her birthday on more than one occasion. Not cool, Ted!

Although Ted kept getting Natalie’s hopes up and then ditching her for Robin, it turns out that everything worked out for the best for Natalie. We learn that not long after Ted broke her heart, she ended up happily married with a bunch of beautiful children. Her storyline proves that sometimes we need to experience a ton of rain before we get a rainbow.


Chloe was the barista that Marshall dated for a very brief period in the episode “Swarley”. In the episode, Marshall and Lily were suffering through a breakup after Lily left for art school in San Fransisco. Barney accused Chloe of having “crazy eyes” and her character was portrayed as a one-dimensional “crazy girl”, a sexist trope that has thankfully been neglected in 2020.

There was definitely more to her character than the series was willing to show us, yet thankfully we have more progressive shows now like Crazy Ex-Girlfriend that seems to be specifically written to debunk poorly written characters like Chloe.  She deserved more than simply being labeled as psychotic.


Robin Sherbatsky was another character on How I Met Your Mother who had her cake and got to eat it too. Not only did she get to be with the two great loves of her life, Barney and Ted, but she also got the opportunity to see the world and pursue her career as a journalist.

These are things that she has always wanted, and luckily for Robin, all of her dreams came true at the end of the series.


Poor Patrice! This woman was so incredibly sweet and caring. She did not deserve the terrible treatment that Robin gave her on a daily basis. And for what purpose? Because she was so positive and kind, while Robin was cynical and cold? There was no reason for Patrice to receive the short end of the stick at all costs.

She even helped Barney plan a proposal out of the sheer kindness of her heart, and Robin couldn’t even be thankful for her. It is safe to say that Patrice definitely deserved more.