Robin Scherbatsky was the most entertaining character on How I Met Your Mother. She entertained well, but never did she cross the thin line between icky and funny. We love Robin for her sense of humor, uncompromising anger, and eloquence.

Robin’s pick up lines are quite a treat to the ears. Well, only some of her pick up lines, the rest are cringe-worthy, to say the least. Some have worked in odd situations and so have others. But in real-life situations, things could go south with some of her pick up lines. Here are each of the five instances.

Never Would: I’d Take You With Gravy

It didn’t work then, it wouldn’t work now. Robin, Lily, and Ted are seated and ordering food in a restaurant. Lily and Ted place their orders quietly. Ted, (who was dating Robin then) orders gravy for himself. The waiter asked if he wanted gravy on something.

Robin, drunk from last night had something to say to that. In the presence of her boyfriend, Robin said the following words to pick up a waiter: “I’d take you with gravy if my boyfriend wasn’t sitting right here.”

Would: What About Two People, Eating Alone

Robin sure knew how to pick a man using the subtle techniques. In this case, her therapist Kevin had a tiny crush on her. So he stopped seeing her, otherwise, it would be unethical on his part. A week later, he came to tell her the truth. At first, Robin was hurt he abandoned her.

But she was more disheartened to discover Kevin wasn’t going to ask her out. She worked her magic on him. “Wait, what about two people, eating alone sitting side by side, making googly eyes at the coffee maker?” And so Robin and Kevin had breakfast alone, side by side, every day that week.

Never Would: Talking To A Burger She Just Held

When Marshall finally found the place that sold the best burger in New York, the gang couldn’t control their excitement. The burger was so delicious, they started speaking to it like an actual person. Someone wanted to take a burger someplace and show it a good time.

But dearest Robin Scherbatsky cut it short. All she said was, “Oh my God, I just want you inside of me.” This kind of pick up line will never work. Not even with a burger!

Would: Jar Of Olives

The quote comes from the pilot episode itself. Ted and Robin are seated in a bistro. Ted explains the Olive theory to her. The Olive Theory is based on Marshall and Lily; he hates them, she loves them.

In a weird way, that’s what makes the two such a great couple. Robin knew exactly what to say next. “You know I’ve had a jar of olives sitting in my fridge since forever.” In words of Marshall, it is on to the break of dawn!

Never Would: We Paint The Town

While Barney’s girlfriend Nora was away, Robin came up with an evil plan. The goal was to steal someone else’s man from her. Her plan was to dress provocatively, drink with another woman’s man. Unfortunately, Nora got back early, and Robin’s detailed-pickup line failed.

She didn’t get drunk under a desk but a MacLaren’s table, this time. “Hey, you are flying solo one more night. How about I put on a smoking hot dress, you slap a vest over that crime scene of a tie. And we paint the town.”

Would: Can’t Be Your Therapist

Robin returned the favor to Kevin by refusing to be his therapist on the same grounds. He found her cute, so he stopped seeing her. Robin took him to task on his turf. She sat in his chair, acted like his therapist. At the end of their session, she abandoned Kevin.

“No, I mean I don’t think I can be your therapist. You are really cute.” Their equation wasn’t creepy anymore, reverse psychology worked on him. Kevin and Robin were perfect.

Never Would: Aunt Cathy Has Got An Itch

In this instance, As Barney, Ted and Robin are talking about Barney’s Lemon Law. Barney met a girl online, he jokes he’s looking for soul mate whole actually he’s looking for a night of fun. Barney asks for help to bail him by pretending it’s an emergency call from a family member. Robin comes up with the cringe-worthy words to do so.

She calls him, Barney pretends Robin is Aunt Cathy. She answers that by saying: “Hi there, sexy.. Aunt Cathy has got an itch that only you can scratch, big boy.” Why did Uncle Rudy think he could build his helicopter. And, who would fall for a line like that!

Would: They Are For Free

Robin and Lily try to sneak into a high school prom, where a prominent band is playing. It’s Lily’s wedding in two months, she needed to go see the band. Unfortunately, they weren’t allowed in. The three of them, Robin, Barney, and Lily either had to be students or the date of a student. Robin Scherbatsky walks up to two kids and says upfront:

“Hey, guys! Wanna take two hot girls to prom?” This is the second time Robin was mistaken for a hooker. One of the guys Frankly said they didn’t have that kind of money. Robin replied by saying, “They are for free.” The line definitely worked. One of the kids said it was the dream.

Never Would: Good To Know Future Has Ribs!

Barney and Robin are testing the Lemon Law. Robin doesn’t pick up the guy, but there’s the classic have you met Robin after which she gets on with the date. Barney sits across the hall watching over them. Robin picks up a conversation with her date.

“It’s a nice place. It’s good to know the future has ribs!” ‘Future’ is the name of the restaurant. Robin teased food security. Although the line wasn’t so bad, this guy ended up thinking she was an escort.

Would: Is He Gonna Rock Your World In Bed? No.

Robin is officially the worst wingwoman ever! She uses cringe-worthy lines to impress her co-worker Liz to get to date Ted. Ted was worried Robin oversold him to Liz. But she fixed it over an email. And boy, what an amazing job did she do.

“Dear Liz, I hope I didn’t sound like I was trying to oversell Ted. The truth is, he is a genuinely nice, down to earth guy and I think you two would really hit it off.”

You’d think the email ended here. But it gets worse from here.

“Is he gonna rock your world in bed? No. But he’s clean, open to criticism and not into anything weird. He’s not bad at all. Not bad at all. I’ll be honest..”

She rethinks it to balanced statements, wildly to both extremes and just lets them balance each other out.

“Ted Mosby is really handsome but extremely violent. And really rich but lacks bladder control.”

She actually hit send by accident. Talk about an oversell. Barney’s ‘have you met’ would have sufficed. But anyhow, women are interested in meeting Ted, still. All is well that ends well.