In today’s fast-paced and highly competitive environment, up-gradation is important not only for the product and processes but also for the employees of the organisation. With the pandemic pushing all workplace methods and strategies onto the digital wagon, there is an immediate need for employers and employees to streamline themselves with these changes in terms of knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Subjecting employees to continuous training can assist organizations in improving their performance and increasing the results at the workplace. Organising training programs will also make employees feel like the company is investing in them. With continuous addition in their skills and abilities, the employees will not just become better workers but also more productive members of the organisations as a whole.

To achieve these results, organisations have two options to choose from – providing in-person training or establishing eLearning programmes for their employees. While in-person training is the traditional version of training that takes place in an actual classroom setting, eLearning is a newer and more technologically advanced version where training can be imparted using web-based solutions and tools.  However, in light of the current scenarios, traditional in-person training might become a thing of the past. As the coronavirus outbreak shuts down all physical workplaces, the benefits of eLearning are taking the world by storm.

Want to know more? Well, then keep reading on, for in this blog we have tried to find out how eLearning is outperforming in-person employee training.

  • Place of learning

The most basic difference between the two modes of training is the setting in which it takes place. For traditional in-person training, it requires both the trainer and the trainee to be physically present in a formal classroom setting, whereas eLearning tools allow all the members to participate in the training sessions from any place in the world. This is the foremost reason for learning management systems, like Adobe Connect, to become so popular during this pandemic. Such systems also allow organisations to help their employees join various meetings, discussions and conferences from the comfort and safety of their homes, which otherwise, would not have been possible.

  • Pace of learning

With a room loaded with people, comes the critical challenge of deciding the pace of the session. At any given point, some will find the lesson going too fast to capture anything while the rest may find it too slow and boring. This burdens the trainer to come up with a pace that is suitable for all. While this might be possible with a limited number of trainees, for organisations having employee count in triple-digit or more,  this is an impossible feat to achieve.

Elearning permits people to surf through study material or lessons at their speed, regardless of whether it’s too fast, too slow or simply moderate. Likewise, it also assists people with more limited or longer abilities to focus, to stop or start their session at whatever point they like.

  • Consistency

Just as it is difficult to maintain a similar pace for every trainee, ensuring that every employee develops the right understanding of the company’s culture and practices is also a huge challenge for every organisation. This requires all materials, content and training sessions to be pedagogically consistent. LMSs and other eLearning tools enable an organisation to prepare, present and impart the same knowledge to every single person that logs into the course or session.

  • Increased engagement

For most, sitting in classrooms and listening to an instructor speak for long hours is boring and stressful. Elearning solutions help eradicate this problem. With various gamification features like leaderboards, badges, and rewards aided with attractive audios and visuals, LMSs can turn learning into a fun activity. This results in an increased employee engagement and boosts interaction among peers and trainers. This also results in increased retention of the information supplied during the training sessions.



For a long time, learning has been looked upon as something that is meant only to be endured, but, with eLearning platforms organisations now have a chance to upskill and upgrade their employees in a more interesting environment. Thus, now is the time for organisations to upgrade not only their employees but also the mode of upgrading their employees.