YouTube shorts have enormous features like adding various texts and music, controlling the speed of videos, editing or deleting the clips, and it also has the option of merging multiple 15 seconds videos.

Why use YouTube shorts?

It is a feature that has been birthed by YouTube, driven by the increased creation of short-form videos as seen on Instagram reels. 

It is easy to use and creates a sense of satisfaction for the viewers. It rapidly drives viewers to quickly swipe next and watch more shorts because of its short duration. 

They are pretty much similar to TikTok and Instagram reels and have heightened the growth of creators by making them go viral. This prime feature lets creators all around the world make creative videos that are 60 seconds or less. 

The inclusion of hashtags like #Shorts enhances the chances of going viral, provided the video is what audiences prefer or enjoy the most.

What are the considerations for YouTube shorts?

YouTube shorts has a maximum limit of 60 seconds. However, it can be less than 60 seconds as wellYouTube shorts is a vertical video that when viewed on smartphones, takes up the entire screen. (It is basically in a 16:9 ratio)Another important consideration is to add hashtags (#Shorts) to the video to enhance the reach. This also helps with YouTube’s algorithm to provide the specific type of videos for the targeted audiences

How to create YouTube shorts?

Install the YouTube app and sign in. Select a “+” sign that is present between shorts and subscription at the bottom. Select ‘Create a Short’. Tap on ‘Allow Access’ to enable camera and microphone access. Press the recording button and record the video.

Note: Recording is limited to 60 seconds max.

Once the recording is done, additional features like adding music, texts, and filters can be added. Press ‘next’ and preview the video. If the video is up to the mark, proceed to ‘upload’.

Note: To select the audience, click on either ‘Yes, It is made for kids, ‘No, It is not made for kids’ according to the video created.

Where to find YouTube shorts:

It is easy to find YouTube shorts once you open YouTube. Scroll down your homepage, and you will see the ‘shorts’ section. The videos will show up based on your search and watch history as well as random ones.

Open YouTube. Look for ‘Shorts’ on your homepage. Tap on the shorts and scroll as per your interest.

Who are the targets?

YouTube shorts are created for anyone to watch. 

There are three basic target audiences:

SubscribersContent creatorsBrands

Generally, if the number of viewers, and creators, falls short, brands will not be able to promote their products via social media. But as per YouTube user statistics, it has around 2.6 billion users and has 50 million subscribers around the globe.

Importance and benefits of YouTube shorts:

When a trending platform such as YouTube adds up a new feature, it provides utmost benefits for creators that will help in their growth and reach more audiences. Since YouTube shorts can be created and viewed on smartphones, it reaps double benefit as most of the users prefer to watch on smartphones.

No need for any other devices like laptops or PC, just one smartphone, and the job is accomplishedSince the video is short, the idea generation need not involve brainstormingThere are zero limits to uploading YouTube shortsYouTube is one of the platforms that have a high number of potential audiencesEase of creating


YouTube shorts is a feature that will help creators grow more and reach newer audiences through their shorts. It will also help brands to collaborate and promote their product. Since the video limit is 60 seconds, it will be easier for content creators to create more YouTube shorts thereby rapidly increasing their engagement with the audience. It is a potent feature that will survive in the long run.

Question 1: Can YouTube shorts exceed 60 seconds?

No, YouTube shorts cannot exceed 60 seconds.

Question 2: Is it necessary to create a separate channel for YouTube shorts?

It solely depends on what kind of content you want to create in YouTube shorts. If the content is similar to your main channel videos then you need not create a separate channel for YouTube shorts.

Question 3: Does YouTube shorts have an expiry?

Yes, YouTube shorts can disappear after one week unless you save them.

Question 4: Is it mandatory to have a channel on YouTube to create a YouTube short?

Yes, you should have a channel for YouTube shorts.

Question 5: What are the criteria to qualify as YouTube shorts?

The video should be one minute long and it should be vertical in the ratio of 9:16.