How long are shifts at Walmart?

Walmart employees have their work fixed for the day or over the week. If one has such questions about the period for shifts at Walmart, this article covers it.

The following consists of the details on shifts that employees at Walmart have to encounter each day each week.

Management of Shifts

Walmart has a management of shifts for its employees. So, the charges vary depending on the position a particular worker is in, the location of the store, and the operational status of work the employee has, which can either be full-time working or part-time.

 So, to work at Walmart, one would have to choose their shift from the man different types of changes available. Thus, depending on the wants or needs or the condition one would be in, they should consider the best modification that gets them covered since Walmart believes all.

Average Working Hours per Day

At Walmart, different working hours are differentiated by the shifts employees take. Whatever the case, there are average hours for employees to work within on any particular day.

Depending on job title, an employee’s availability, or whether one is working on a part-time or full-time basis, the hours for a particular day shift will vary.

Some employees work between three and four hours during any day while others take much time for their day with up to as many as nine or ten hours.

The average shift of a single day is up to nine hours for Walmart workers. Although, other employees may work between extreme working hours, three and nine hours.  

Types of Shifts

The many types of shifts Walmart offers to its employee’s aid the employees work at their best or choice for their betterment. 

Walmart provides several different working hours to employees and includes part-time employees’ hours, the 12 hours shift, and other shift caps.

Therefore, depending on the employee’s choice of shift, Walmart coincides as long as employee’s requirements are concerned. 

Part-Time Shifts

For an employee at Walmart to be a part-timer or hold a part-time shift, they should work 35 hours or less for a single week. But the average working hours per week for a part-time employee is any hours between 12 and 17.

Individuals who have their issues and would like to take part-time working shifts at Walmart should be ready to work between the stated ranges of hours for a particular week.

However, part-timing shifts may increase the hours for a single change in a day, and more days per week may also add during holiday seasons when the peak reaches since the demands from the stores are high.

So, for such a holiday season, part-time employees can expect five days every week with shifts pr day taking as much as six hours, which is added days a week and added time a shift.

Therefore it is best if a particular employee or worker understands such demands from the Walmart stores.

The 12 Hours Shifts

The working hours per shift may be only up to nine or ten hours at most. Otherwise, a schedule can go for twelve hours but is dependent on the worker.

Such twelve-hour shifts maybe only for those in other distribution centers like the warehousing associates and the freight handlers.

At Walmart, such shifts are not possible unless a particular employee needs them and only after they ask the management to allow them to take the twelve-hour schedule c at a specific Walmart store.

Although a specific worker might have the opportunity to work on the 12-hours shift, the chance cannot be for any other employee except for those working around distribution centers of the Walmart stores.

Shift Caps

When applying for a job at the Walmart incorporation, the shifts are differently distributed on any particular day. 

The shift cap is the name for a shift one may consider working. The shift caps have numbers from one to three.

Cap 1

Between 4 am to 1 pm is the first shift of a typical day at Walmart. The period constitutes the first schedule for Walmart workers and is designated Cap 1.

The associates in the cap one shift have up to 40 hours of work every week and have different roles to take while finishing their schedule every day at Walmart.

Cap 2

The second schedule for workers at Walmart stores is Cap 2. Cap shift helps the employees take the period between 1 pm and 10 pm or otherwise choose to shift between 2 pm and 11 pm in a single day.

The starting time for the second shift depends on the largeness of the particular Walmart store, its location, and the job an employee has at the store.

It is also necessary to consider such shift limits when working at Walmart, but the average time for a shift is always taken to concern every employee.

Cap 3

The last for Walmart consists of Cap 3, an overnight working period. Cap 3 has hours from 10 pm to 7 am of working.

The employees who work under Cap 3 are the unloaded associates who bring the merchandised products to the store floors from the incoming truck.  

Schedule Flexibility and Its Importance

Walmart’s incorporation has its unique working periods for workers. So, to help the employee manage their shift, the company introduced the app; My Walmart Schedule, which aids the shift takers can take their schschedulec more significantly and thus have time flexibility.

Scheduling is such an important consideration when employees take it into account. A schedule helps employees take the shift they feel comfortable with more significantly.


For an individual to have a job at Walmart incorporation, they must take a specific shift from the store, depending on their needs and wants. The market allows everyone to be comfortable with their scheduled periods and provides the workers with the scheduler app for easy shift flexibility.

Every day there are around twelve hours of working at Walmart.

The first shift at Walmart starts from 7 am until 6 pm in the day.