Instagram is a social media app that allows users to upload photos and videos. Instagram deletes accounts when they violate their Community Guidelines. It’s possible that the account was deleted because the user uploaded content that violated these guidelines.

When an Instagram account is deleted, all of the images and videos that were uploaded to it will be removed.

Instagram does not allow you to recover deleted accounts. However, if your account was hacked, please contact Instagram for help.

It is possible that your account has been disabled. To regain access to your account, you will have to contact Instagram directly.

The answer to this question is not entirely clear. Instagram is a private company, so the reasoning behind these deletions are not public information. However, it’s possible that some of the accounts that were deleted may have violated Instagram’s terms of service.

You may reactivate your Instagram account after 1 year. If you would like to reactivate your account, you will need to log in with the email and password associated with the account. Once logged in, you can edit your profile information and post new content to the feed.

Instagram can suspend your account for a variety of reasons. The most common reasons are:Violating the Community Guidelines. This could include posting photos that are too provocative or posting spammy content, such as asking people to follow you in order to gain followers.Posting something that violates copyright law. This includes copying text from another person’s blog post and pasting it into your own Instagram caption.

If you have a disabled Instagram account, then the best thing to do is contact them and ask why your account was disabled. If you can’t get in touch with them, then the next best thing would be to follow their instructions for getting your account back.

If you’re looking for a phone number, you might need to call customer service.