How Long Do Refunds Take to Process?

Whenever you return the product, the price of your product is refunded, and the manner of refund may fluctuate as it depends on the customer how to take the refund through various procedures. In Your Orders, look up the payment method that was returned as well as the status of your refund. 

In the Online Return Policy Center, you can select your desired refund procedure when retrieving merchandise.

It may take a couple of weeks for anyone to collect and process the returned items after the regional transportation. After the regional transportation of the merchandise to our Returns Department, we generally execute returns within 3-5 working days. Once we’ve concluded reviewing your return, we’ll offer a refund to the payment method you requested. After that, the customer can check how to keep track of your return.

Take Refunds Instantly

Time taken to Refunds

It takes time for your banking institution to make money available in your bank account after we issue your refund. The following list shows the time taken by following the refund method.

  1. The credit card takes three to five business days to credit the refund.

  2. The Debit card, Checking account, and SNAP EBT card all three of these take up to 10 days to credit the amount. 

  3. The items purchased with Shop with Reward points take up to five working days to credit.

  4. Pay in Cash at the delivery location takes up to 11 days to credit the refund.

Repricing Fees or Preferential Refunds

The original item’s condition, whose return window has passed 30 days ago, is refunded. In this case, 80% of the price of the item is refunded.

For the opened items that are taken out of the plastic wrap, like video and audiotapes, DVDs, or the pre-recorded video records, etc. , 50% of the item amount is to be refunded.


If you want to return the item, then the item will be picked up and the refund will be credited as follows. But if you replace the item, another item will be delivered to you in exchange for the previous item.

1.Can we return the item after purchase?

A.Yes, the order can be returned and a refund will be credited in your refund method.

2.How many days will it take to Refund?

A.The refund will be credited according to your payment option and will be credited on that particular business day.

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