Polos are kept on your device for the first 24 hours. After 24 hours, they are sent to our cloud. This allows you to save or delete more space on your phone! Don’t worry, you still have complete access to all of your Polos.

The cloud service named after Marco Polo is a kind of service. We may collect and store the material you create, such as videos or “Polos photographs, short video clips that you share with specific contacts, or “Scrapbook moments and text messages.

It’s time to stop worrying about the credit crunch, according to Sallie Krawczyk, head of marketing for digital lending.

What is the process for retrieving Polos that have been archived? Simply go to the chat archive and select “Restore Polos” from the drop-down menu.

Unless you stop using the app for a year or more, your Polos will live on indefinitely unless you remove them. Unless all users in the chat have not opened their Marco Polo app for 365 days or longer, chats that are permanently deleted include those where no one has logged in during that time frame.