There is no confirmation yet, but it is likely that The Last of Us will be ported to the PS4. The game was released for the PS3 in 2013 and since then the PS4 has been released. There would be a lot of money to be made in porting the game over to the newer console.

It’s possible that last year will come to PS4, but there is no confirmation yet. Sony has not announced any plans to release last year on PS4.

There is no confirmed release date for The Last of Us Part II on PS5, but it is anticipated that the game will be released at some point in the future. It is possible that the game may be released as a launch title for the PS5, but this has not been confirmed.

Yes, the last of us is free on PS4.

Yes, you can play PS4 discs on PS5. However, not all features will be supported. For example, online multiplayer may not be available.

Yes, PS4 games will be playable on PS5. However, it’s unclear how exactly this will work, as the PS5 is rumored to have a different architecture than the PS4.

There is no guarantee that there will be a PS6, but it’s likely that Sony will release another PlayStation console at some point. The PlayStation 4 is still selling well, so there is no immediate need for a PS5. However, Sony is likely already working on the next generation of consoles, and we may see a PS6 in the future.

There are a few reasons why PS5 is hard. One reason is that it needs to be backwards compatible with PS4 games. This means that the hardware has to be very powerful in order to run the games from the older console. Another reason is that Sony wants to make sure that the new console is able to offer a great gaming experience for users, so they are working on new features that will improve the overall gaming experience.

Yes, there is still a PS5 shortage. Sony has been struggling to keep up with the demand for the new console. The company is working to increase production, but it may take some time before the supply catches up with the demand.

Sony has not announced any plans to stop making PS4 games, and it is likely that they will continue to make games for the PS4 for many years to come. However, it is possible that Sony may eventually stop making PS4 games, especially if there is a new console released.

As of right now, it’s unclear whether or not the PS5 is in stock. Sony has yet to announce an official release date for the console, so it’s possible that they may not have any units available just yet. However, given that the PS4 was released nearly five years ago, it’s likely that Sony will start ramping up production in anticipation of the PS5’s release.