After 30 days have elapsed since your account deletion request, your account and all of your information will be permanently erased, and you will not be able to retrieve it. The material remains subject to Instagram’s Terms of Use and Data Policy for the next 30 days, at which point it is no longer available to other users.

Yes, Instagram has established rules that will remove any inactive user account after a set amount of time. Because of this issue, various regulations have been implemented, all of which result in the termination of inactive users.

They are one of the most popular social media sites, and they face a lot of pressure to allow FAKE news, SPAM, or illegal material to be seen/shared. So after the election (United States President), IG began deactivating and deleting accounts right away.

Can deleted Instagram messages be retrieved by police? So, can law enforcement recover previously deleted photos, text messages, and documents from a phone? Yes—they can discover data that hasn’t been overwritten using specialized equipment. However, you may use encryption methods to ensure that your data is secure even after deletion.

When will Instagram remove inactive accounts? Instagram has never provided a definitive answer regarding how long inactive accounts must remain dormant before being erased. However, the staff advises its users to login and utilize their platform on a regular basis to reduce the chance of their accounts being deleted.