How Long Does It Take For A Package To Arrive?

Usually, the package is reached at the time and date confirmed by the website on the day you place an order. But some factors depend on the delivery of the package, they are;

Your location: the delivery mainly depends on those locations where it has been addressed to send the package. If the location is very hard to find or if it is pretty far from the site of shipping and packaging, the product might arrive later than usual.  Distance from you and the sender: if the distance from your home address to the sender’s address is long, later it will be for the package to arrive. It also depends on the ease of getting into the target location.  Courier company: some courier companies make it a priority to send the package to customers at the earliest. This thereby leads to customer satisfaction and increasing demand for products of that company. Mail class or shipping service: it is one of the main factors which solely depends on the arrival of the package since shipping is one of the procedures in online shopping.  Size and weight of the package: huge packages like home appliances, tires, and furniture take more time to arrive than small products.  Time of the year: packages are usually delivered late during festivals and other holidays due to an increasing number of customers.  Weather: with the distance and easiness of the location, the weather also plays a role in delivering a package. Drastic weather conditions like heavy rain, heavy snowfall, and drought might make the package delivery difficult. Incorrect address: it might be a mistake committed by both sender and the receiver. An incorrect address might lead to delays in package arrival. To prevent that, contact the sender and check whether the address mentioned is correct.  Absence of members at home: when you are not there during the package delivery, the delivery boy might send it to the neighboring locations with the consent of the receiver. It is always important to inform the roommates, family members, or neighbors before the delivery of the package.  Unexpected circumstances: sometimes the staff might get sick, the vehicle might break down, the road might get closed off, or something unexpected happens. It is always applicable to contact a customer support representative to get delivery information. Lost package: the late arrival of the package might be also due to the loss of that particular package. If any of these above-mentioned possibilities are not the reason for a missing package, it might be due to the lost package. The customer can always file a complaint with the courier.

FedEx Delivery Times and Schedules: How Long Does It Take For A Package To Arrive?

The FedEx delivery times are mainly during weekdays, that is from Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 8 pm. The packages are not delivered before and after this time range. Any delivery which has to be made after 8 pm that night will be scheduled for the next few days to maintain customer privacy. 

The packages from FedEx are reached at the locations within three to seven days. It will be delivered only on weekdays and delivery on Sunday is the service only available to certain areas.

UPS Delivery Times and Schedules

The UPS, United Parcel Service is one of the largest package carriers in the world. They generally deliver at a time between 9 am to 7 pm to the target locations. The delivery is done from Monday to Friday. Some orders also arrive later than 7 pm. 

The UPS takes six to seven days to deliver a package to the residential address to long and remote locations. For nearby locations, it takes no more than five days to deliver a package. UPS 

also deliver on holidays like memorial day, labor day, July 4, Christmas day, new years day, etc. 

USPS Delivery Times and Schedules

The USPS, United States Postal Service is the carrier that delivers to all US locations. It also delivers packages to remote places. The package delivery in USPS stays till 3 pm. Customers are ensured that their package would be delivered any time within 3 pm. 

The days it takes to deliver the package depend.


Delivering the ordered package is seen as one of the most beneficial services during the covid lockdown times. This reduced too many human interactions. People chosen for this work have increased to a greater level over these years. A good online site with on-time delivery is the most preferred.