Initially, the brain may become more responsive to neurotransmitters and neurohormones and other mechanisms that signal that there is hope for the patient. Some things to look for: It is normal for some somatic symptoms like insomnia and appetite and sleep problems to occur in the first few weeks of Wellbutrin XL. 

Sleep and appetite are increased because of antidepressant effects and the neurochemical changes that occur in the brain. However, the patient needs to report their symptoms.

What is Wellbutrin?

Wellbutrin is one of the most commonly prescribed SSRI antidepressants for adult depression and anxiety. It was originally developed to treat pediatric depression. It works by activating 5-HT2A receptors in the brain and by blocking the reuptake of serotonin in the synapse.

 Once Wellbutrin has fully taken effect, it acts as an antidepressant and at the same time, it helps the 5-HT2A receptors re-uptake more serotonin in the synapse. Wellbutrin XL is another form of Wellbutrin.

 It also acts as an SSRI, but it acts on other parts of the 5-HT2A receptor (receptors). Since it works on other receptors than the 5-HT2A receptors, the effects are different, and this can make it more effective than Wellbutrin. 

How does it work?

Deep neurotransmitters release Wellbutrin mechanism of action is acetylcholine that improves brain metabolism and improves the process of neurotransmitter production. Wellbutrin increases neurotransmitter production and increases serotonin levels, while also increasing norepinephrine and dopamine levels in the brain, a process known as excitatory glutamatergic receptor firing. This process has been identified as being the cause of depression.

What are the side effects of Wellbutrin?

So what are the main side effects of Wellbutrin? Wellbutrin may have some unpleasant side effects such as nausea, vomiting, low libido, and headaches. Stop Wellbutrin if you experience any of these side effects.

 Wellbutrin is a long-acting (oral) medication and once it starts working, it is there for the rest of your life, unless you stop taking it, or stop taking it for a long time. What’s the best way to use Wellbutrin? The best way to use Wellbutrin is to take it daily for a few weeks and then to taper off to maintenance.

 What should I take to taper off Wellbutrin? wellbutrin can take up to a month to go out of your system. So, if you go off Wellbutrin too fast, Wellbutrin might still be in your body, and it can become active again.

Is Wellbutrin addictive?- How long does it take for Wellbutrin to kick in?

Wellbutrin is not considered to be addictive. Also, antidepressant-like Wellbutrin is not addictive. The drug is not habit-forming, but it does have a long half-life in the body. One must take Wellbutrin about 12 times before it is eliminated.

The active dose of Wellbutrin is 1.5 mg per day, taken at least 30 minutes before each meal, as a pill or in a capsule. The active dose lasts about 2-3 months when taken as prescribed. Longer half-life Wellbutrin XL starts at 2.2 mg per day and lasts about 12-18 months. 

The effectiveness of Wellbutrin varies with each individual. It may take 1-2 weeks or 2-4 weeks for Wellbutrin to work. It can take a few months to months for Wellbutrin XL to work.

For how long will Wellbutrin work for depression?

Wellbutrin for depression could have the same side effects as any drug-taking Wellbutrin will not cure depression, so if you suffer from depression it’s important to know what are the side effects of Wellbutrin. 

They include a decreased sex drive, bloating, and weight gain. Wellbutrin for depression can make you sad and less active as I mentioned earlier, the side effects are really common in Wellbutrin for depression.

Wellbutrin is a drug with a very well-known chemical structure (anti-depressant), that can help treat moderate to severe depression. With its long track record, it has gained broad acceptance as a psychiatric drug and is used widely for depression. 

It works quickly with a fast onset and can reduce major depression. At this time, it is recommended that you talk to your doctor to discuss any side effects and if they need to change your dosage to see if Wellbutrin is a good treatment option for you. 

How to know if your treatment is working?

Wellbutrin is a biological drug that works in the body to alter the effectiveness of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Your brain is full of serotonin receptors, and Wellbutrin works to keep those receptors open so that your brain can receive the signals it needs from your body and mind.

 In clinical trials, people who take Wellbutrin see a reduction in symptoms like severe anxiety and lack of social interest in just 2-3 weeks. One person in a clinical trial reported “Feeling numb all the time, like my life has become like an unfinished manuscript, to be erased every morning with the start of another day. 

That sounds like PTSD. It wasn’t until after starting Wellbutrin that I realized I wasn’t depressed, but anxious and avoiding certain things because I didn’t feel safe around them.

If the Wellbutrin dose does not work, what can you do?

One can be prescribed Effexor, a different antidepressant made by Bristol-Myers Squibb. It also has antidepressant properties but only has a slightly different mechanism of action than Wellbutrin. Effexor does not produce the same unwanted side effects as Wellbutrin. 

However, you may notice a slight increase in suicidal thoughts, especially in the first few weeks, and these are particularly concerning. Effexor and Wellbutrin have side effects, but many of the side effects are a little different. 

Wellbutrin has more to do with “sexual side effects” (like the increased libido), but you will experience weight gain as well. Wellbutrin is known to cause weight gain. Effexor side effects include increased blood pressure and some sleepiness.


Wellbutrin XL, although usually more expensive, is a smart option if you have depression that has progressed and is considered to be severe, as well as moderate depression that you are trying to make more manageable with drugs. 

I would recommend Wellbutrin XL if you want a full-blown, all-day mood change, and do not want the side effects and withdrawal symptoms of Wellbutrin. I would also recommend Wellbutrin XL if you are on SSRIs or similar antidepressants and you would like to try Wellbutrin.

 Wellbutrin XL works with SSRIs without any added side effects. In addition, Wellbutrin XL has none of the sexual or social discomforts associated with Wellbutrin XL in its short-acting dosage, which is good for women.

Disclaimer: The medical information in this article is for informational purposes only. As a patient, you should consult with your physician to determine the best course of treatment.

Question 1.) What is Wellbutrin XL?

Answer-  Wellbutrin XL is another form of Wellbutrin. It also acts as an SSRI, but it acts on other parts of the 5-HT2A receptor (receptors).

Question 2.) How long does it take for Wellbutrin to kick in?

Answer-  It may take 1-2 weeks, or even 6-8 weeks to begin working.

Question 3.)  What are the main side effects of Wellbutrin? 

Answer- Wellbutrin may have some unpleasant side effects such as nausea, vomiting, low libido, and headaches.

Question 4.) How long does Wellbutrin last in your body?

Answer- Wellbutrin is a long-acting (oral) medication and once it starts working, it is there for the rest of your life, unless you stop taking it, or stop taking it for a long time.