It is difficult to determine the reason for rejection without more information. It could be that you did not meet the qualifications, did not have enough previous work experience, or had too many rejections in the past.

MTurk is a website where people do tasks for money. One way to get $50 a day on MTurk is to sign up with the site and complete tasks that are available.

MTurk is a service that allows people to complete tasks that are too difficult or time-consuming for humans to do. These tasks can be anything from transcribing audio recordings, to writing product reviews, to classifying images. MTurk is used by companies and organizations all over the world, but it has some limitations.One of the limitations of MTurk is that it doesn’t have the capability to identify people’s locations.

Mechanical Turk is a platform that allows people to complete tasks that are too repetitive, mundane, or time-consuming for humans. The tasks are typically things like data entry, image tagging, and surveys.

Batch HITs are a lot of tasks that you can do in one go. They usually take a long time, so it’s a good idea to break them up into smaller chunks and do them over the course of a few days.