Xbox approves Gamerpics within a few hours.

There could be a few reasons why Xbox is not verifying your Gamerpic. One possibility is that you may not be using an official Xbox account. Another reason could be that your Gamerpic may be inappropriate or offensive. If you’re having issues verifying your Gamerpic, you can contact Xbox Support for assistance.

You can change your profile picture on Xbox as soon as you like, but it will only be visible to your friends on Xbox Live if they are online at the same time as you. If you want to change your profile picture so that everyone can see it, you’ll need to wait until Microsoft updates your profile picture for all users.

There are a few reasons why your Xbox picture might not be uploading. One possibility is that you’re not connected to the internet. Another possibility is that your Xbox picture is too large to upload. Try resizing your picture to be smaller, and then try uploading it again.

Xbox is verifying your profile picture to make sure it meets the requirements for profile pictures on Xbox. Xbox has a policy that requires all profile pictures to be a certain size and have a certain aspect ratio. If your picture does not meet these requirements, Xbox will need to verify it before it can be used as your profile picture.

Profile picture suspensions on Xbox typically last for around 24 hours. This is a relatively short amount of time, and it is usually more than enough for users to change their profile picture back to something appropriate.

Yes, you can send pictures on Xbox. You can either attach them to messages or post them to your profile.

There are a few reasons why your Gamerpic might not be changing. One possibility is that you have not yet unlocked the ability to change your Gamerpic. This can be done by reaching level 5 on Xbox Live.Another possibility is that you may be using an invalid Gamerpic. Make sure that the file name of the image is in the correct format (16×16 .jpg) and that it is under 500kb in size.