How Long Does Walmart Keep Security Footage?

Apart from that, homeowners and business owners – including small and department stores, and governments install security cameras all around. Most of the time, it is for security purposes – to ensure people are not doing what they are not supposed to be doing. 

While we may feel like our privacy is being infringed upon, the truth remains that caution cannot be thrown into the wind simply because we don’t want our dirty laundries aired. Incidents of domestic and international terrorism this is presently rocking the world at large are a testimony to this.

Walmart, one of the major department stores in the US also uses security cameras in its stores. Peradventure, if you would like to revisit an event that happened in one of their stores, you have about a year from the date of the event before you may not be able to have access to the footage anymore. That is depending on the size of the store. Small Walmart stores may not store the footage for more than 30 to 90 days.

Now, knowing what is being recorded and if you or someone you are close to can have access to that footage if and when you need them is the trick. This article is a full guide to give you the necessary details. Keep reading.

Reasons why Walmart record and keep security footage?

Below are listed about four major reasons, apart from invading your privacy, why Walmart records and keeps security footage.

As said earlier, the main reason why Walmart, like any other store that wants to stay in business for long, is to provide security to its customers and employees alike. Security footage monitoring ensures that anybody who wants to perpetrate any evil will have to think twice before doing it. Also, businesses have to have a security camera installed for insurance purposes. In case of theft, vandalism, or fire, insurance companies need to be sure those were not self-inflicted or intentional. This is because some people use such to circumvent the law and get their insurance money illegally. To help the store investigate cases of theft or wrongdoings of its customer or employees before disciplinary measures are taken. Lastly, Walmart keeps security footage as a backup in case of security threats that they or the government need to investigate.

Things that are recorded by Walmart security cameras

Apart from keeping motion records of events happening in the store, there is some additional information that is recorded by the Walmart security cameras – 

Text messages – if you were texting while in the store, your conversation can be zoomed in on. Plate number – the high-def cameras that can record text messages will also record plate numbers. The security cameras installed in the Walmart parking lots are for that. Voices – the videos also include voice recordingsFacial recognition – as of 2022, Walmart has released information that facial recognition is now part of the security camera techs in its stores nationwide.

Who can access Walmart’s security footage?

There are two sets of people who can access the stored security footage at Walmart.

Anybody with a genuine reason like theft or perceived violation and violent dealings from a Walmart employee. For this though, you need to have the exact time and date of the incident to be able to quickly pinpoint the frame in the security recordings. Just approach the store manager of the Walmart store in question. The police or any other law enforcement agencies. If the government or security agencies have a reason to believe their case would be solved using security footage recordings from Walmart stores, they can request and get it too. So, in case you were not granted access when you initially request the security footage, making a police report can speed up the process for you.


Security camera footage recordings are essential evils that are part of the realities in this present world. Instead of feeling threatened by them, why not make full advantage of what they stand to offer and make the best of them.

Does Walmart have a record of shoplifters?

Every convicted shoplifter has a record in the criminal database. Walmart keeps a record of this for the sake of preventing future thefts by the same person.

How does Walmart track shoplifters?

With the newly acquired facial recognition techs, Walmart can track shoplifters, even after the fact. So, if you have shoplifted and thought you got away with it, you may need to have a rethink soon.

What does Walmart consider petty theft?

The cost of litigating thefts of items less than $50 is just not worth it; except if the accumulated theft accrued up to that. Therefore, any shoplifting that is less than $50 to $100 may go unprosecuted but may result in being banned from using the store for future purchases.

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