A first time suspension on PS4 is usually for a period of two weeks.

Your suspension on PS4 is indefinite.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to get your ps4 account unsuspended may vary depending on the reason why it was suspended in the first place. However, some tips on how to get your account unsuspended may include contacting Sony customer support and explaining the situation, filling out a suspension appeal form, or deleting any offending content from your account.

There is no set number of bans that will result in a permanent PS4 ban. Sony has the right to ban any player from their system at any time for any reason.

A PS4 can last anywhere from 3 to 6 years, depending on how often it is used and how well it is taken care of.

Yes, you can get banned on PSN for cursing. Sony has a pretty strict policy against bad language, and will typically ban players who use profanity in chat.

Yes, PlayStation can ban your console. If you violate the terms of service, PlayStation may suspend or terminate your account, which will also suspend or terminate your access to PlayStation services and content.

Yes, PlayStation can lift a suspension. PlayStation is able to do this by altering the suspension height.

The PlayStation’s number is 1. It was first released in 1994 and has been a popular gaming system ever since.

The 3rd ban on PS4 is indefinite.

Yes, you can see who reported you on PS4. When you are playing a game and someone reports you, the notification will say “X has reported you.” You can then press the Options button and select “View Profile” to see who reported you.