No, it does not. Discord will never delete your account unless you delete it yourself.

No, unused discord accounts do not get deleted.If you are signed in to the account, then the account will not be deleted. If you are signed out of your account, then your account will eventually be deleted.

A Discord account is deleted when the user’s account is deleted, or if the user deletes their own account. If a user deletes their account, they can’t log back in and will no longer be able to access it.

Log out of your Discord account.Head to the Discord website and log in with your credentials.Click on “User Settings” in the top-right corner of the screen, then click on “Delete Account”.Select “Yes, delete my account” and click on “Delete Account”.

Discord is a chat platform that is used by gamers to talk with each other. The company deletes accounts if they are found to be spammers or bots.

No, Discord cannot ban your account.

No, Discord does not report you to the police.

In general, a disabled discord account lasts as long as the account was active before being disabled. This is usually anywhere from 1-2 weeks to a few months.

Discord is not safe for 11 year olds. Discord is a chat platform that allows users to communicate with one another in real time. It’s unsafe because it’s possible for people to use the app to harass others anonymously.

It is not against the rules to have an alt account on Discord. However, it is against the rules to use that alt account for activities such as spamming or harassment.

NSFW stands for “not safe for work.” It typically means that the content is pornographic or contains nudity.

No, you cannot be banned from Discord for being under 13.