How Many Days Is 120 Hours Of PTO?

Paid time off (PTO) is an employee perk where employers pay employees while they’re out from work. PTO can be accrued on an hourly, weekly, biweekly, monthly, quarterly, annual, or per pay period basis.

If you acquire 15 days off/year, you’ll have 120 hours of PTO at the end of the year.

Categories Of PTO

PTO is often comprised of your honors package. When beginning a new job, ask about how PTO is gained. Every association has its time-out guideline. Employers may deliver their employees with the subsequent categories of PTO:

Employers may deliver workers with a specified number of paid leave days that they can utilize at any point during the year. Before employees may utilize any of their benefits, most corporations direct them to drive through a 90-day probationary period. After that, a worker might theoretically consume all of their PTO for the year whenever they desired after this period.

Accrued PTO

Employees who have this sort of PTO earn a set amount of PTO each pay period. The number of days off close to your pay periods is computed by your employer, and it is the ultimate amount of PTO you can earn throughout the year.

Allowances For Rollover

If you have unused PTO, a rollover policy is advantageous since you can use it the following year. If you had 12 days of PTO/year & only utilized 10 this time, the left 2 days will roll over to the subsequent year. Employers without a rollover policy are more probable to have a “use it or lose it” policy, which encourages employees to spend all of their PTO within a year.

How Do You Keep Track Of Your PTO?

When it comes to monitoring PTO, there are a variety of options. They are as follows:

  1. Making use of spreadsheets

This method relies on manual entry, but if you don’t have a huge number of people, it can be very successful. 

  1. Software for keeping track of time

There is standalone time-tracking software that allows you to track employee vacation time and provide customizable reports. These systems allow employees to submit requests for time off, which their managers can subsequently review and approve.

  1. Payroll and human resources software

Employees’ PTO time is frequently tracked using company payroll and HR software. This strategy works well if you wish to manage HR functions in-house rather than outsourcing them.

Computing PTO?

The method you utilize is defined by how your employer mentions that time. Employers oftentimes give employees a specific no. of hours to work each paid month. In this case, you can compute PTO by tracking these stages:

  1. Estimate the number of hours you work/year.

If your employer gives you 15 paid off/year, for instance, multiply 15 by 8, the number of hours in a day. This will qualify you to estimate the general number of hours you worked the whole year.

  1. Calculate your annual hours by multiplying them by 12 or 24.

The next step is to figure out how many hours you worked throughout each pay period. If you’re settled monthly, divide the total number of hours you work in a year by the number of months in the year. Divide the total number of hours by 24 if you are paid 2 times a month.

  1. PTO is calculated by multiplying the hours worked by the pay period PTO.

To compute how much duration you’ve accrued, multiply the period you’ve accrued in each pay period by the time you’ve toiled.

Getting The Most Advantages From Your PTO?

Use your PTO wisely:

Make a plan for how you’ll use your PTO ahead of time. If you enjoy trekking, this may mean setting ahead of time to secure you’ve generous break days. If you decide to take vacation days throughout the year, compute how much time you have off/month and divide it up equally.

Schedule your vacation in advance:

As soon as you get your PTO time scheduled and approved, mark it on your calendar.

Consider requesting supplementary PTO time:

If you need more PTO time, regard asking for it via negotiation. If you have a track history of being on time & productive, this is a possible option. You should be ready to have compromised on other things, such as your annual wage raise.


PTO gets often comprised of your honors package. Employers may merge these into a single PTO package, letting employees spend their PTO however they see fit. Some companies keep these days separate, so employees can utilize their PTO as required. Every association has its leave policy.

How to record PTO in spreadsheets?

If you don’t have a huge number of people, it can be very successful. Create a spreadsheet template with lines at the top for the start and finish dates of each paid month. Column titles such as “beginning balance,” “used,” and “final balance” can then be added.

How Pay Periods are calculated?

Pay periods can be used to compute PTO accruals on a weekly, bimonthly, semimonthly, and monthly basis. Here’s an easy formula to remember:

The number of PTO hours/number of pay periods = hours accrued per period.