The answer to this question is not clear.

Seasonal employees work a set number of hours per week, usually ranging from 20-30.

A seasonal worker at Lowes is someone who works for the company during a specific season. For example, they might work between October and December to help with the holiday rush.

According to Lowes, they offer full-time employment at 32 hours per week.

Lowes pays seasonal workers off the books.

A seasonal job can turn into a permanent job if the seasonal employee is good at what they do and the company likes them. If so, there is a chance that they will be offered a full-time position.

Seasonal employment is typically part-time work.

If it is the employer’s policy to count seasonal employees as full-time, then yes. If not, then no.

Seasonal employees are typically hired for the holidays, school breaks, or other periods of time where demand for labor is high. The term can also refer to employees who work in seasonal jobs such as landscaping, ski instructors, and amusement park workers.

The answer to this question is not one-dimensional. It depends on what you are looking for and what your current skill set is. If you are looking for a seasonal job that pays the most, you should consider getting certified as a scuba diver or an EMT.

Lowes is a home improvement store, so you should dress in business casual attire. Avoid wearing bright colors or patterns, and make sure your clothes are clean and wrinkle-free.