That is why people try to buy products from one country to bring them to their country, so they can save money on buying expensive items.

Like we can get a smartphone(apple phones) at a cheaper price than in India, so people from India used to ask their relative who lives in the USA to carry phones from the USA.

But do you know how many phones can I carry from the USA to India?

Yes, we can carry 4 to 5 phones from the USA to India , but more than this can make you uncomfortable.

We need to unbox phones or put them into our pockets or in our hands because they check the luggage and also we need to pay customs duty as per their rules.

Prices of phones can affect the number of phones to carry

Expensive phones like apple smartphones are cheaper in the USA than in India, so people try to buy more and send them to their relatives.

But at the airport custom department check everything. You can bring a limited number of items. If you buy that phone for your personal use then it’s good but you don’t buy it for sale. You can get a limited no of phones for your personal use and also a limited number of phones for your relatives or family members.

Don’t need to pay if you have a product under duty-free value

Sometimes many items are also dependent on customs officers if you can give brief details of the situation on how it is important to you so they can let you bring the item on their behalf.

Duty-free range may differ in countries, some have less and some have more rates of value.

So, it is important to know all the rates and fees applied by that country’s government. It will surely help to get rid of the duty and additional fees and it also saves your time.

The product needs to be within the range of the non-payable item’s value.  

Different charges for Residents and Tourists

 Is there any difference in customs duty for Residents and Tourists?

Yes, for residents of India, their duty-free charge is high than that of foreign


For residents of India, the duty-free charge is about 50,000 for others it is

about 15,000.

A resident is a person who is born in the country and has valid proof like a


A tourist means a person born in another country who came to visit the country.

Disclosure of product is important 

You need to fill up a form and need to disclose all the details of the product like price, model, no of devices, purchased date, and bill or payment receipt number.

If the value of items is more than the duty-free charge then you need to pay customs charges as per the government rule.

You can carry up to 2 mobiles from the USA and you need to put it into your pocket if you don’t want to pay customs charges.

More than this limit you need to pay the customs charge as per their rules.

How much do we need to pay the customs duty?

AS per the rules, You need to fill out a form and give details of every item you bring here. The duty-free limit is about 60,000 Indian Rupee.

You can take items within this limit.

If you are bringing items for others, you can only bring two items within the price range of $1,500.

1-How many phones can we carry?

Answer: We can carry a limited no of mobiles but under a limited range. But for expensive phones, we need to pay customs charges.

2-Can we carry laptops from the USA?

Answer: yes, you can bring one laptop with you. If it is in the customs duty fee

range, you don’t need to pay fees.

3-What type of items are prohibited in customs?

Answer:- Gold/silver in any besides ornaments, Alcohol over two liters,

LCD/LED/Plasma television, Firearms, Cigarettes exceeding 100 sticks, or cigars

exceeding 25 or tobacco exceeding 125 gm.

4- How small amount of Gold we can carry from foreign countries?

Answer:- A married woman can have 500g of gold and an unmarried woman can have 250g of gold. A man can have 100g of gold.

For a man 20g gold is duty-free and for a Woman 40g gold is duty-free.