It’s difficult to give a definitive answer to this question as it will vary depending on the region and the size of the PS4. However, in general, it would cost around £50-£60 a year to run a PS4 in the UK.

Sony has not announced any plans to discontinue the PS4.

There is no clear answer to this question since it depends on your own personal preferences. Some people may prefer the PS4 because it’s more affordable, while others may prefer the newer and more powerful PS5. Ultimately, it comes down to what you’re looking for in a gaming system.

The PlayStation 6 is rumored to be released in late 2020 or early 2021. It is not yet known how much it will cost.

There are a few reasons why it can be difficult to get a PS4. First, Sony has been known for making some of the best consoles in the market, and they tend to sell out quickly. Second, Sony does not release many units at a time, so there may not be many available when you want one. Third, some people may be waiting for the next generation of consoles, which is currently scheduled for release in 2020.

There is no set price for leaving a PS4 on all day, as it depends on the region and the power consumption of the console. However, in most cases, it will cost around $0.50-$1.00 per hour.

There is no definitive answer to this question as it largely depends on the type of video game being played. However, some video games can use a lot of electricity due to the graphics and gameplay involved.

TVs use around 150W of electricity, which is the equivalent of about 2.4kWh per year.

Sony has not announced a PS6, and there is no ETA. Sony is still very much focused on the PS5 and its future updates.

Ps1 was released in Japan on December 3, 1994, and in North America on December 4, 1994.

There’s no one answer to this question as it largely depends on personal preference and what you are looking for in a game console. Some people may prefer the flexibility of games on PC, while others may prefer the more streamlined experience offered by consoles. Another reason some people might find PS5 difficult is because it is a powerful machine and may take some time to get used to its capabilities.