Finger monkeys can cost up to two thousand dollars($2,000) to four thousand dollars($4,000) this is besides the added expense for their welfare because they are expensive to keep. Deeming the cost of their welfare as well as buying price, their total expenditures could amount to ten thousand dollars($10,000) to twelve thousand dollars($12,000).

Cost of Keeping Finger Monkeys: Explained in Detail

The cost of sustaining a finger monkey as stated above is between $2,000 to $3,000 and $10,000 to $12,000 when you consider other expenses. In this paragraph, we will elaborate on these prices. Cost of delivery which will be between $500 is most times the case although you could go in person to pick up your pet. While picking your pet, don’t forget to consider housing, food, and health care expenses.

Housing expenses come in here and although monkeys generally live on trees you can build a cage for them with a lot of room. Yes! They love spacious habitats so they could move freely around. You can build 2.5 feet by 6 feet by 4 feet, they live in trees that are less than 59 feet, and building this would cost about $1,000 for a cage indoor or approximately $3,000 for an outdoor cage. Habitat replacements such as branches, swings, tunnels, plants, toys, and nesting places that would create an illusion of their natural habitat could cost about a hundred dollars($100) but this could very much vary. Adequate sunlight in the cage should be taken into deliberation and if this is not feasible a provision heating source or infrared light of about 250watts should be provided.

Food Finger Monkeys Eat.

When it comes to food, Finger monkeys eat within two hours intervals. Their diet includes tree gum nectar from flowers and they eat fruits, vegetables, small insects, eggs, rice, cereal, fish, meat, pasta, and so on. Although they have a preference for tree gum and nectar. They get appetite fatigue so you have to change their meals, they also enjoy eating sweet foods like ice cream, cakes, or jelly but like us, it should be taken in moderation to keep them healthy, keep it in mind that they eat a lot. Anthropoids could be a supplementary food for the Finger Monkey. Just food and vegetables could cost at least $24 per week. For supplements, these are specialized monkey feed that you could give to your pet which could amount to $30 per six months supply.

Do I Need a Permit?

In some places, you may need a permit to keep Finger monkeys although keeping them is not allowed in certain states. This comes with a fee and if you decide to ignore it, your pet could be confiscated and you are charged a higher fee compared to your permit fee. Some states may attract criminal charges, and some provinces have no laws forbidding the keeping of finger monkeys as pets. You can keep a pocket monkey without any license in places like Alabama, Nebraska, and South Carolina. North Carolina does not have laws heeding the ownership of finger monkeys, leaving it up to the people of the community to make a ruling. Some cities or counties in North Carolina might permit it, while others won’t necessarily agree. In some states, such as Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island, you will need to apply for a private license before buying any finger monkey or other categories of animal that has the potential to be a dangerous animal. Some districts will not authorize you to keep a finger monkey as a pet, no matter the circumstances. In these states, the only people who could keep a finger monkey would be operating something with an animal display. They would have to meet substantial criteria to be approved, some states have no laws forbidding the keeping of monkeys as pets. Examples of places where you are rightfully allowed to own a finger monkey without the need for any particular licenses are places like Alabama, Nebraska, and South Carolina. North Carolina doesn’t have any law scrutinizing the possession of primates, leaving it in the hands of the communities to make the decision. Some cities or counties might allow it, while others will not.

Health Care System of Finger Monkeys.

You will need an exotic veterinarian with the knowledge to provide and care for your finger monkeys because when ill, they could be costly to treat. The veterinarian will check them up regularly and during emergencies. They contact illnesses that could be transmitted to humans as well, for example, chicken pox, cold, cold sores, measles, or even HIV. You should estimate a payment of a couple of hundred dollars yearly for their health services.


 If you are putting into considering having a finger monkey as a pet, know that it can be very costly both upfront and during continuous care for it. Before you get one check if you are allowed to do so in your state and contemplate your finances so you can give it proper care.

How much will it cost to maintain a Finger Monkey?

The general estimate could amount up to $10,000 to $12,000.

Is it Legal to keep finger monkeys?

In some states, it is a yes but in other states, it is a no.

Is it safe to keep finger monkeys?

Yes and no because as they grow they need to socialize more.

How often will I feed my finger monkeys?

Two hours intervals.

How many can I keep?

As numerous as you can afford to care for.