What is Verizon, and how much are their taxes and fees?

Verizon Communications is one of the telecommunications services in the United States, they are known as a company that offers communications, information. This company is a public based company, and it can be grouped into two strategic business units: The Verizon consumer group and the Verizon business group, the former operates mainly on consumers by offering wireless and wireline communications services and also equipment in addition to residential fixed connectivity solutions which include the internet, video and voice services, and also wireless network access on a wholesales basis for the wholesaler. The latter operates on their business aspect, they also wireless and wireline communication services that are organized by their primary customer’s group also in business. Examples are global enterprises, small and medium businesses, likewise the public sector, and other enterprises. They are also responsible to commercialise their communication products and enhancing their unique services.

Verizon has a lot of data or wireless plans for every mobile phone, among that plans is their unlimited plan that charges $70, and 8.845% of that charge of your taxes and fees. This indicated for every one of your plans that you subscribe to Verizon a monthly tax, and fees of 8.845% will be added to the principal amount. Any tax or fees paid will depend on your location and some other factors, this tax is not for Verizon company alone it is distributed to the federal universal service charge, 411 charge, regulatory charge, city tax, roaming fees, and many more.

Verizon monthly fee charge that you must know about

It is not taxing alone that is being paid as a Verizon customer, other additional fees will be charged monthly. The fees you pay will depend on the usage of your mobile phone and the other Verizon products and services that were used through the phone. These fees come in various aspects, and all customers are expected to be faithful with the payments. The fees include;

Activation Fee

IT is a one-time fee that will be charged by the company when a new account is created. For Verizon’s first customer, a fee of $35 will be charged to your account before you can have access to the numerous plans they offer.

Administrative fee

This is a monthly fee that will be paid.  It is charged by an insurer in other for them to be responsible for administering an insurance policy to cover expenses that are related to keeping your mobile phone records and other administrative costs. The amount requested monthly is $1.78.

Regulatory fee

An annual regulatory fee of $0.15 is paid, it indicates that you are carrying out and following the rules and regulations that govern the company. It is also a one-time payment per year.

Upgrade fee

This is the payment you pay when you decide to upgrade your phone, it is charged when you upgrade a phone that contains your line during the billing cycle, and a fee of $35 will be charged.

Access fee

It is a line access fee that is levied by your cellular provider in other for you to have access to their network or services. A monthly phone line access fee of $20 is charged for those who own a phone or are currently making payments, but for those that bought the phone at a discounted price, a monthly charge of $40 will be requested by Verizon,  it will remain like that until the device contracts expired.

Late fee

This is a payment paid by a customer when they decline to make the payment as of the time that the contract expired. Everybody can not pay the late fee, it is only those people that refuse to make the payments,  they will be requested to pay a service fee of $5. It is said that Verizon is not known to offer mercy for their customer, so if a day or two passes by without you making the payments as at when due, a minimum of $5 will be added 

Plan fee payment

This is the payment you paid for any of your selected plans. You should note that this payment has a varying amount hence, it depends on what phone you are using or how long you have been subscribing to that plan, and also how much payment you pay every month. As time goes by, the device plan fee payment will dwindle since most payment plan is for (2) years.


Verizon is a telecommunication service provider that offers anything related to wireless and wireline service for your device. The company is known for its tax and fee payments, a list of the annual fee required at Verizon has been listed above, and any first customer should take note of their valuable payment plan.

Does Verizon charge a fee to change plans?

Verizon does not charge any fee for a change of plans, but it charges the advance payment of the new plan. You will get credit for your current plan that you already paid for this month, and then get charged for the current month with the new plan, and then the month ahead. The next bill will be the price of the new plan plus the difference between the new and old plan.

How much is Verizon’s early termination fee?

It depends on what service you have from Verizon. Is it cellphone service, landline service, or residential or business service? Also, these contracts sometimes change, so it may depend on when you signed your contract. The current ETF for your type of service may be different from what your contract says. Therefore, it Is always best to look up or have Verizon tell you what is on your specific country act.