According to the Department of Labor report, US: “Every American spends more than $9500 annually”. And it is rising every day. You can save money on fuel, maintenance, and insurance. Your car consumes fuel worth around $1,267. Insurance and car maintenance cost around $2,000 annually. The average cost of car expenses is more than $500 per month. 

What is the cost you spend on a Car?

Knowing your average cost of owning a car you’ll know, how much you spend annually? According to the AA report, a person who owns a car spends above $9000. 

If you use a car to go to your workplace, back home, or go on a trip, etc. You spend above $10,000 per year. And an American spends more than $500 per month. 

Can you save money with Public Transport?

When you use a car for your transportation, you spend your money on fuel, insurance, maintenance, license, registration fees, cost of tires, etc. These all things require most of your money. 

But when you use public transport, you can get rid of these things. You just need to pay for a transit pass. It cost an average of $100 per month, which is 80% less than private transport. So, you can save 80% of your money. 

How much money do you save with Mass Transit?

A report shows on every weekday, People in the US, use public transport around 30 million times. You can around 80% of your money while using public transport. You don’t have to spend on gas, parking fees, car maintenance, insurance, taxes, and more. 

Many cities offer you a discount if you pay in advance for a mass transit pass. And many of those offer discounts for teachers, students, and people who are differently-abled, or above 60 years old, etc. You can go to the website of mass transit, you’ll see their discount requirements. 

Benefits of Public Transport

Public transport doesn’t have limited benefits. It just doesn’t provide you with benefits in fuel, insurance, and maintenance. It also saves a lot of your time. 

It is said, time is money. If you can save your time, you can do a lot of things in it. The only thing you need to consider is just to be punctual with the schedule. You can save your time whether you are a student, an employee, or labor. You’ll develop time managing skills after some time of using mass transit. 

What are the Alternatives to Private Transport?

If you’re tired to spend money on your vehicle, you can use other transport. Like if you are a student, you can ride your bicycle to reach your school, college, or even university. It’ll save you money. And it’ll help you to maintain your health as well. 

If you don’t have to use any vehicle frequently, you don’t buy any vehicle. You can take a car for rent. It will benefit you by saving money on insurance, maintenance, registration fees, or taxes. 


Using public transport is not easy. But you’ll get used to it. Money is not a single factor in switching to public transport. It also comes with other benefits. You should consider this option. It will help to increase your savings. I hope this article gives you a clear direction on whether you should use private transport or public transport. How much do you use public transport? Tell me in the comment below. 

Does public transportation save you money?

Yes, public transport saves you money around 80% of the private transport. And you don’t have to worry about parking fees, taxes, or insurance. 

How can I save money in the long-distant place?

You can save money on long-distance transportation with mass transit. The longer the distance, the higher the money spends. If you go to a long-distant place, it will consume a higher amount of petrol and maintenance. So, you can use metro trains for going to a long distant place. 

How much do you spend on private transport each year?

You spend nearly $10,000 when traveling on your transport per year. And around $500 per month. But you can save around 4 times with the mass transit. 

Is public transit worth using?

Yes, it is. When you use public transport, you save your money and time as well. You can use all types of transportation services. It just requires some little changes in your lifestyle. But it is worth doing.