How Much Do Youtube Pay?

The goal of every video creator is to earn good money on Youtube. Many have found success on the platform, and with the variety of monetization options, you can earn money off your videos in many ways. But how much does Youtube pay?

Youtube pays its video creators a percentage of advertising revenue and subscription fees paid by its users each month. With that information and some basic math skills (which I hope you have), you can figure out how much Youtube pays its creators on average. Good luck!

But first, you have to be eligible for monetization.

Requirements for Monetization

To earn money from Youtube, you need to meet a few requirements. The first is that your channel needs to be active. Anything under 6 months old is not eligible for monetization. If your channel is older than 6 months, you are still eligible to earn money on the platform but at a reduced rate. You must also have at least 1,000 subscribers or 4,000 hours of watch time in the last 12 months. If these requirements are met, and your videos meet the guidelines set by Google (which we will talk about in a moment), then you are eligible for monetization on the platform.

How Much Does Youtube Pay Per View?

Now that you are eligible for monetization on the platform, here are some basic guidelines YouTube has set out for you. YouTube pays between $5-$15 per 1,000 views and up to $2 per 1,000 views on its most popular channels. The more subscribers and watch time you have on your channel, the higher your payment rate will be. So if you have both a million subscribers and 100 million hours of watch time in the 12 months before your earnings month, then you will receive a higher payment rate than a few dollars if you just had 100 subscribers or 4,000 hours of watch time.

Money From Ads

Youtube pays creators money from its advertising revenue each month. The revenue is predominantly driven by ads displayed on videos. Each video on Youtube can have one of two formats, either in a pre-roll format or in the video format itself. A pre-roll ad is played before the video starts, and a video ad can play at various points throughout the actual video. Each of these ad formats pays differently to its creator depending on how much a viewer is willing to pay for an impression (view), click (which gives the creator additional money), or view duration (or how much time viewers spend watching your videos). Google also considers how popular a channel is when it calculates how much it will earn from each ad that runs.

Video creators get 68% of the ad revenue from YouTube, and Google takes the rest of the money.

Know How Much You Will Earn

You must monitor your earnings carefully since you never know how long a viewer will watch your video or how much they will pay for an ad impression. You can monitor the amount of money you make on Youtube ads in My Account Monetization.

You should also be aware that YouTube has a maximum cap on the advertising revenue that each channel can make per month (the highest amount is $15,000).

Increase Your Viewership

Some creators put their money back into their craft. This means investing in upgrading your equipment, buying new software to help you make better videos, getting assistance from professionals (like editors), and even paying for advertising so that more people see your work. Most of the time, these upgrades will increase your viewership and help you get more followers on Youtube, which will increase your ad revenue.

What Will, Your Channel, Generate In The First Days?

Mostly, you will earn little or no money in the beginning days of your video channel. But even if you have one video, you can make a little money from that video if it receives a lot of views.

However, as time goes on, you may decide to stick with making videos while putting some money into improving your channel to get more attention and generate better views in the future. It is important to remember that all channels are different, and their traffic patterns sometimes vary significantly.

You can make money on Youtube if your videos generate many views and advertising revenue. However, you will need to put a lot of time and hard work into marketing, building your channel, and making good videos.

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