To get an answer, let’s take a time frame of 20 minutes. Now one-size-fits-all approach can’t work here. As you can guess, it is practically not possible that the fees would be the same worldwide. It is a variable cost for the consumer as depends on the area you live in, which vehicle you are going to travel by & total mileage that vehicle might have. Also, the fee further changes if you choose the economy selection type. Still, to give an idea, on average, a 20-minute Uber ride can cost you anything between $20-$50.

Fee Structure

To break it down there comes base fare first. Every Uber has a base fare amount ready with them to charge you. Generally, this amounts to around $1. Now, this base price could again vary with factors like the place you live, or if you live in some metro city, they would easily charge more than they normally do.

If there comes a situation where suppose you have no Uber driver near you, then they might charge a long pick-up fee. Just imagine if they are incurring costs so that they could reach you first to drive you to your destination how unjust that would be. That is why Uber charges you that extra amount. This amount is respective of time taken & distance travelled as well.

After all this booking fee is the amount that forms most of the part of the fee you pay. This kind of ensures that you would show yourself & would not cancel without thinking once. The minimum fare is another component forming part of your fee structure which sounds quite like a base fee but the sole difference is it is charged on the actual ride. This fare amount is the very least that you pay for the ride. While another fare amount may vary & are subject to certain unexpected conditions this is a kind of mandatory fare amount you pay whenever you take an Uber vehicle.

Per-Minute Fee

Imagine sometimes travelling through horrible traffic & when done somewhere in middle you come across congested area & you, unfortunately, don’t have any other option. Do you think the fee would be the same as it would be in a normal driving case? Not. Everyone in the world knows the value of time so when due to traffic if the driver is not supposed to cover the time he lost traffic Uber charge a per-minute fee, which again changes according to the time of day & place. Generally, it is found to be $0.17. This means for every minute you travel $0.17 would be added to your fees.

Sometimes when an Uber driver has to drive long distances it indirectly cuts into their profit. Because not necessarily they would be living in the area where they stopped by to pick you up. So to get back to their home they would be at loss earning nothing. To prevent this Uber comes with a per-mile fee where drivers earn more money while they get you to the destination per mile. For example, the per-mile fee for the Lansing to mason could amount to around $1.20.

Then come cancellation fees. You would be surprised to know & sometimes even be asked for these cancellation fees when you did not even step into the vehicle. Well, that is true. They still can charge this amount as when you cancel the advance booked fare you already made an Uber driver journey to you. He could have travelled any longer you could imagine where he wastes money for nothing. So this part of the fee tries to cover the funds that got in vain. This amount gets largely affected according to the distance between the driver & you & what amount of time it took for you to cancel the fare after booking for it.


The last part of the fee structure is tipping. We all know that tipping is never mandatory for any customer for any service he might have consumed. It is totally up to you want to tip the person for the service or not & is the amount you might want to pay. So you are the one who calculates a tip in your fee structure.


Now we have learnt “How Much Does 20 Minutes Uber Cost?’, Though we cannot exactly draw the fee structure anyone would be paying anywhere in the world as it neglects various scenarios such as time-distance regional economic conditions & many more. Fees could vary humongous as we move toward different corners of the world. Still, as the componential value remains somewhat the same worldwide; all the fare amounts we saw above add up to form your fee structure irrespective of if you are travelling 20 miles or 2 miles.