Different sizes offered by Starbucks for the Pink Drink are Tall, Grande, Venti, and Trenta. It gets available throughout the year. This article elaborates on the ingredients, cost, and advantages of the Venti Pink Drink. It costs $5.25, and the customers can decide what they want in the drink.

Ingredients Of The Venti Pink Drink

To understand the total cost of the Venti Pink Drink, we must understand what ingredients it contains. The Starbucks Venti Pink Drink gets made of strawberry and its refreshers, creamy coconut milk, tango tea, 70 mg of caffeine, sugar, and 200 gm of calories. Its serving size is 24 fl oz. Carbohydrates contribute the most to the calories present in the drink. The smaller amount gets contributed by the fats and the least by proteins.

Cost Of The Venti Pink Drink

When a drink, especially coffee, gets served to measure 20 American fluid ounces, the size gets said to be Venti. The price of a Starbucks Pink Drink depends on the size. A Venti Pink Drink costs $5.25. Customers might pay more for the additions such as different varieties of a splash of tea, foam toppings, juices, sweeteners, flavored syrups, milk, ice, and fruits. The Pink Drink tastes better but is not much healthy.

Water is the only free-of-cost ingredient in the drink. Otherwise, all the other ingredients and additions get associated with a price.

Advantages Of The Venti Pink Drink

The Pink Drink gets its advantages due to the ingredients added to it. The main advantage of the drink is the customers can choose the most items to get added to it.

The following are the advantages of the Venti Pink Drink:

Better For The Diabetes Patients

Diabetes patients can ask the Starbucks employees to add little or no sugar, sweeteners, syrups, and cream. Similarly, the passion fruit seeds added to the drink can decrease diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity. The green coffee extract is present in a small amount in the strawberry refresher added to the Pink Drink. Thus, it does not get dangerous for consumption.

Vegan milk

Vegans can ask the employees to use almond, soy, or coconut milk. It contains low fats, no cholesterol, and numerous minerals and vitamins. Thus, people with a slow digestive system can prefer it. Similarly, it contains vitamins A, D, and E.

Can Be Made Better For Health

Customers can make the Pink Drink healthy by choosing the ingredients. They can ask the employees to add no water as adding extra water might fade the taste. Coconut milk is unsweetened. Thus, they can ask for tango iced tea and coconut milk. Similarly, they can ask for a small amount of vanilla and strawberries.

Disadvantages Of The Venti Pink Drink

The following are the disadvantages related to the Starbucks Venti Pink Drink:

High Cost

Most customers feel that the drink lasts only for a few sips. So, the Pink Drink is not worth the cost. They might prefer to choose a cheaper alternative for the drink.

Fake Quantity

Starbucks employees might add many ice cubes making the quantity look more, and the customers get trapped into it. The customers must ask for only a few or no ice cubes because ice cubes increase the amount of the drink after melting. Customers pay for the Venti Pink Drink and not for ice.


The Venti Pink Drink containing coconut milk can get unhealthy because coconut milk has relatively more fat and calories. However, the drink has 140 calories. Some customers might also not like the 24 gm sugar present in the Venti Pink Drink due to the coconut milk and strawberry base.


Starbucks gets popular due to its high-quality items, commitment, dedication, and customer service. The Pink Drink is not the healthiest one, but it is not the worst either. It costs $5.25 which can be a bit more for some customers. Demand for this drink increases in summer. Different customers have different health problems. Thus, they must get wise while choosing the ingredients to include in the Pink Drink.

1)  What Are The Competitors Of Starbucks?


Some Starbucks competitors are McDonald’s, Dunkin’ Donuts, Café Coffee Day, Costa, Tazo, KFC, and more.

2)  How Does Starbucks Stand Out Of The Crowd?


Starbucks makes the customers feel at home and comfortable. Thus, they prefer to visit the shop more after home and workplace. The company does not advertise. Instead, it focuses on improving the quality of customer service. It helps Starbucks to create a loyal customer base and attract potential customers. 

3)  What Other Items Does Starbucks Sell?


Apart from the Venti Pink Drink, Starbucks sells the following:

VIA instant and Whole Bean coffees. Merchandise such as tumblers, water bottles, and cold cups. Hot drinks and cold drinks. Bakery products, breakfast, lunch, snacks, and sweets. Thank You, Happy Birthday, and traditional gift cards.