Owing to the fact that the DSP program is not yet available in all cities, you have to first check if the program is available in your city. Go to started. After verifying the availability, you can proceed to the following

The first thing you need to do is fill out an online application. You will have to answer some simple questions. Everything will be vetted later so you should not lie about any detail.

If you have the time to commit wholeheartedly to the businessIf you have any business experience or you’ve ever headed a team or been in charge of recruitment.  If you have available liquid assets  of at least $30000If you have a strong credit history

The Future Delivery Service Partner program is simply a pool of possible DSPs. It provides access to online training and DSPs will be chosen from the best candidates as slots become available. It is imperative to note that being a Future DSP does not guarantee a slot in the DSP program.

A monthly payment depending on the number of trucks you own. Payment is based on the route given and its lengthPayment is based on the number of packages delivered where there is a fixed rate for each package.

The next thing is for you to complete the three weeks hands-on programs. After which, you can start playing your route with your trucks and truck drivers


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