What Does Bio Life Of er? 

Bio life plasma services Is an industry that specializes in the collection of high-quality plasma that is processed into life-saving therapies for patients with rare diseases. 

What Is Plasma? 

Blood plasma is a light amber colored liquid, it is a component of the blood in which blood cells are absent, but contains proteins and other constituents of whole blood in suspension. It takes about 55% of the body’s total blood volume. Ingeneral, blood plasma is known to have five main constituents which are; 

 Proteins 

 Salt 

 Lipids 

 Hormones 

 Water 

Healthy Benefits Of Donating Plasma 

There are several health benefits attached to donating plasma. A few of them will be discussed in the paragraphs below. 

An advantage that stands out most is that it reduces the risk of having cancer. Also, regular donation improves thegeneral health of the donor. This is a result of the rigid screening done before the donation is commenced. The screening helps donors to identify diseases at an early stage. 

Best Blood Group For Donation 

The ideal blood group type for plasma donation is AB+ and AB-. AB is the universal blood type for plasma donations because it can be transfused to patients of any blood type without any complications. 

Who Is Eligible To Donate? 

To donate plasma, a person must be 18years of age at least and must also weigh a minimum of 110 pounds or 50kilogram. 

In addition, a full medical checkup report must be submitted to the bio life’s site for donation to ascertain the medical fitness of the donor. 

Requirements For Donation 

After eligibility has successfully been confirmed, a few documents are to be submitted by the donor, which are;

 A valid government-issued ID 

 Proof of address 

 Proof of social security number. 

Fo ds To Avoid Before Donation 

In most cases, donors are instructed to stay off certain foods before donation which are;  Fatty foods 

 Fries 

 Junk foods. 

Fatty foods make the blood plasma milky thereby preventing you from donating plasma. All donors are strictly instructed to stay off alcohol the day before the donation. 

Bio Life Payment Methods 

Bio life makes payments to successful donors via a debit card. The donors are given a debit card after the first donation which grants you direct access to funds available in your bio life account. After each donation, your bio lifeaccount is funded with a certain amount. 

The funds paid can be withdrawn at an automated teller machine (ATM) with the bio life debit card given to you. Helpful Tips After Donation 

After donation, you might feel a bit weak, or dizzy. It is nothing to be alarmed about. Ensure to eat healthy foods, fruits, and vegetables and you are good to go. It is also advisable to rest well and keep hydrated at all times. 

Bio Life Working Hours 

Now we have learnt about “How Much Does Biolife Pay For Plasma Donation?”, Let us know about Bio life works 6 days a week, opening from 9 am till 7 pm. This may differ depending on time zones. Bot om Line 

To sum up, donating plasma is a good way to help humanity, and keep your health in check while making money fromit, so what’s there to lose? 

Keep in mind that to do this you need to be medically fit, so eat healthy at all times, exercise regularly, and hydrate. 

Lastly, there are also other industries to which plasma can be donated. A well-renowned one is “Biotest plasma” whichoffers $20-$50 on the first donation. 

Likewise, “CSL plasma” pays $30-$50 on the first donation while “BPL plasma” pays $30-$60 on your first donation.

What can disqualify me from donating plasma? 

A person found to have tuberculosis, heart disease, sickle cell anemia, cancer, malaria (or even the symptoms of it), is automatically disqualified from being a donor. 

How long does the donation process take? 

At the site of donation, after all, has been put in place, the procedure lasts for about an hour and 15minutes.

How often can I donate plasma? 

Blood plasma can conveniently be donated once in 2 weeks without any complications whatsoever, as long as the donor is medically fit. 

Will donating plasma make me feel tired? 

Plasma contains a lot of water, so donating plasma removes a substantial amount of water from your body, which leaves you feeling dehydrated and dizzy, and feeling tired. In such cases, all you need to do is drink more water than you usually would.