Cirque du Soleil pays a fancy amount to their performers. The performers of the Cirque du Soleil get an average amount of $59,887. The pay scale of the performers starts from $49,342 and rises to $73,107. The company also pays annual cash bonuses and compensations. These can range up to $60,590.  

How To Get Into Cirque Du Soleil?

Make a profile: The first and foremost thing that you must do is make an application. You must prepare a CV, and put audio, and videos of your talent and skills. Try to make the best impression with that piece of paper showcasing your personality. Photos should be close-up ones.

Send DVDs: The next step is to send the DVDs and the video clips of the talent to the company. There are different sets of guidelines for sending video clips for different disciplines on

Applying: You can apply by choosing different jobs available on the website.

Come directly for auditions: The other way to get a job in Cirque du Soleil is that you can come directly to the offline auditions. The auditions take place in different corners of the world.

Medical: A detailed medical will take place after the selection.

Training: a four-week training will be given to the selected ones, and then a handful of candidates will get the contract.

How Much Does Cirque Du Soleil Pay Performers According To Disciplines?

Cirque du Soleil is well known for paying the best amount to the artists working under them. They have numerous disciplines for artists and the pay of the artist depends on and differs according to the disciplines. But there is some set pay scale already set for giving the salary to the employees. 

The pay scale of the dancers working at Cirque du Soleil starts from $30,000 to $100,000 per annum.  The temporary artist is paid hourly or based on their shows. The hourly rate keeps on fluctuating according to industry standards. A performer earns an average amount of $59,887 for the whole year.  The minimum amount per annum that the artists receive is $49,342.  The maximum amount that the artist receives per annum can start from $73,107 to $100,000. Numerous candidates come for auditions but only a few get the contract.

Different Work Profiles To Get In Cirque Du Soleil?

The ambit of getting a job in Cirque du Soleil is very vast. You can work as a performer, you can work at a desk job, costume makers, accounts department, crafts department, makeup department, etc. the best job that you can get in Cirque du Soleil is of the selectors. But here is a list of disciplines and categories out of which you can choose the best area of interest.

DancersCircus performers Action sports athletesSimple athletesMusiciansClowns and physical actorsSingers


Now we have learnt “How Much Does Cirque Du Soleil Pay Performance?”, Cirque du Soleil is amongst the best artistic entertainment companies in the world. They offer talented professionals all around the world the best job opportunities. Working with Cirque du Soleil has many perks and benefits attached to it. The performers get to travel all around the world with the company. If you wish to become a part of Cirque du Soleil, then you must apply to the company by following all the steps mentioned above.

What is the role of Cirque du Soleil?

Cirque du Soleil is one of the oldest artistic entertainment companies, that offers a variety of shows all over the world. It is a high-end artistic entertainment company having about 4000 employees with 1300 performers and performs in 50 countries.

Do Cirque du Soleil take volunteers or interns to the company?

No, Cirque du Soleil doesn’t take volunteers. They also don’t have any scheme where they allow the interns to apply for internships or take admissions of the interns.

What is the above age limit to get into Cirque du Soleil?

there is no age limit prescribed to come into the Cirque du Soleil. The children above 2 years will have to take a ticket to attend the show, but the children less than 2 years can watch the show free of cost.