Instacart shoppers get paid their wages weekly. The big question is how much do they get paid? Maybe Instacart is a good alternative to the services like Uber or Lyft. The average pay for Instacart is about $15-$20 per delivery. The Instacart service has an intricate pay structure. The pay structure includes, pay per milage, base pay, pay per item, heavy order, pay, and customer tip.

The variations are a way of catering to all the pay fluctuations. Sometimes a payday at Instacart can be between $30-$40. In such instances, double batch pay may be a challenge to new employees. Although the pay structure of Instacart is intricate, Instacart shoppers usually earn $10 for a full-service delivery. The average pay for Instacart’s pay per delivery is normally between $15-$20.

As an Instacart shopper, your pay breakdown can be $10 for a batch delivered plus the tip from the customer. Normally you can finish the delivery in 30 minutes. If you do, it gives you time to do another batch which translates into more cash for you. Depending on what the customer orders the batch may pay more than $10 plus a tip for you.

What is Instacart?

Grocery shopping isn’t always something people look forward to. Instacart makes grocery shopping easier for you by having a shopper do the work for you. The reason people choose to be Instacart shoppers is that they get paid to do your grocery shopping for you.

The app brings shoppers together with customers that need their shopping done and delivered. These shoppers are independent contractors and some work part-time to get customers the items that they need/want. Being an Instacart shopper is a good way to make extra cash. As an Instacart shopper, you can get your wages instantly excluding tips. Those take a little longer to appear in your bank account. No

Instacart pay per day-

On average per batch Instacart shoppers get paid between $15-$20 per batch daily. Normally Instacart shoppers can do roughly 1 batch per hour. So in a day consisting of an 8-hour shift an Instacart shopper can earn between $120-$160 per day.

How do Instacart shoppers get paid?

As an Instacart shopper you can get paid daily. Their pay is deposited directly into their bank account. Shoppers keep all their tips, however, the tips will only show in your bank after 24 hours have passed.

Instacart pay Guarantee-

In some places across the United States Instacart offers guaranteed pay for their shoppers. In Philadelphia for example Instacart shoppers earn $1150 for forty-eight batches delivered. That equates to $24 extra in addition to your normal earnings. In Austin, shoppers earn $550 dollars for thirty-eight delivered batches which is $14 on top of normal earnings and tips.

Instacart tips-

In addition to your regular wage for doing deliveries you also receive tips as an Instacart shopper. As a shopper at Instacart, you will keep 100% of your tips. Instacart shoppers are encouraged to stay in touch with your client during the process of delivery, doing that will help you get a higher tip percentage.

Good communication makes customers feel that you care about them and that you want to get them either what is on their list or a substitute if required.

Tip baiting-

Since the service is designed for the customer’s convenience, many customers use the service to get their groceries delivered. To get their groceries delivered quickly some bad customers will give a larger tip to persuade a runner to accept their order. The customer would then change the tip after the delivery has been completed. This practice is known as tip-baiting. 

Unfortunately, this has become common practice, so as a runner you should choose your orders carefully. Normally if a tip appears too good to be true it usually is. The longer you work at Instacart the better you will become at identifying tip baits. Tip baiting has become such a serious problem that Senate looked into the problem. Instacart released a statement stating that they will be making changes to the app to better protect their shoppers.


Instacart is a good way for you to make some extra cash doing grocery shopping for people who don’t want to do it themselves. If you’re looking to make some extra cash then Instacart is a good option as many people would rather pay someone else to do something than do it themselves.