A simple luxury handbag sells for around 200 to 300 dollars which is almost twenty times the cost of making it. So to make a luxury bag, the original cost will be 10 to 15 dollars. The same theory goes with Chanel bags. Also, the cost of making it would be 20 times less than what it is being sold on the site. The price range of Chanel handbags is 2100 dollars to 9000 dollars. There are some which cost about 261,000 dollars. And the cost of making them is 20 times less than 105 dollars to 450 dollars. Whereas the high-priced bags are made at the cost of 13,050 dollars. To know more about the Chanel payment plans, click here.

Care and Services of the Products

The choice of material or the creation of the original craft is unique and authentic. The pieces need special care and services to maintain the durability and shine of the showpiece. The original site has a feature that allows a customer to track the status of the items given for service. 

Types of Products

Chanel provides a wide variety of products like;


The watches are available in various forms and styles. There are some made of ceramic or metal watches, and others are made of rubber. Then there are watches made of white rubber, leather, or satin. The site has details about taking care of all these watches and maintaining them. Check out here.

Fine Jewelry

The jewelry pieces are made of gemstones and other expensive metals. They are both precious and rare and also give an aesthetic look. To know all the precautions and guidelines along with designs are available here.

Ready to Wear

Chanel has some unique pieces of ready-to-wear clothes. It has provided all the information on how to keep them, how to wear them, how to maintain a new look, how to store them etc. There are some special clothes made of special material like tweed, which is a delicate material. It is made up of woven thread, and if a single thread comes out, the whole costume will be damaged. Another type of dress is knitwear. Then there are warp or weft along with indigo jeans and dark leathers.


Then comes the most in-demand product handbags. They are mainly two types of materials used to make them. One is lambskin leather, and the second is sequins and rhinestones. To know more about handbags, check this page.

Shoes or Small Leather Goods

The shoes are manufactured using different materials such as soft leather, patent leather, lambskin, or calfskin suede as per the choice of the customer. To know more check out the link.

Costume Jewelry and Eyewear

Both of them are adjustable as per the customers’ needs. And it requires care and protection. Detailed guidelines are mentioned here.

How long does it take to make a Chanel Bag?

The process of making a bag is time-consuming. It takes roughly four to five years for a person to acquire the skill of making such bags. And finally, the bags are produced and sold. To manufacture a simple handbag is a complex process that requires more than a hundred manufacturing processes and operations. 


A bag sold in the market costs around twenty times more than the manufacturing cost. So the Chanel bags are in the range of 2100 to 9000 dollars, manufacturing cost about 20 times less than their price. And on calculating, it is coming in between 105 to 450 dollars. So, this is the actual cost of making a Chanel bag.

Q.1) Is Chanel Bag worth buying?

Ans. Yes, the customer reviews about the products of Chanel are good. They can go for many years. And are unique, stylish, and authentic. Also, the Chanel bags are popular in the market and are often available at a discounted price.

Q.2) Why do designer handbags cost so much?

Ans. The raw materials for producing a bag cost roughly about 40 dollars. The cost of labor or craftsmen is around 175 dollars as per market rates. The overhead cost adds up to 40 dollars. All this adds up and makes the bag about 285 dollars. So, when the production cost is high. Therefore the selling prices also increase.

Q.3) What makes Chanel bags so expensive?

Ans. One reason for their high price is leather. Leather is used as a raw material which makes it costly. And the other reason is the stitching cost.